~ Auto Buzz ~: Google Considers Jake Sullivan For International Policy Head

Friday 26 January 2018

Google Considers Jake Sullivan For International Policy Head

Google is exploring the prospect of hiring Jake Sullivan as its new head of international policy, according to Bloomberg. Discussions between Sullivan and the Alphabet-owned company may result in the native Minnesotan receiving a job offer. Caroline Atkinson, the former international policy representative for the California-based tech giant, stepped down in the fall of last year. In the interim, director Leslie Miller has been filling the role while Google searches for a new candidate. The position involves numerous current and potential points of conflict in the legal realms of many foreign nations. Google is enduring several ongoing antitrust cases with international entities, so finding a permanent policy leader is in the tech giant’s immediate interest.

Jake Sullivan is one candidate, out of more than a dozen individuals. His expertise includes roles as both the deputy chief of staff and deputy policy director for Senator Hillary Clinton. He also served as a national security advisor to former Vice President Joe Biden. Sullivan, a graduate of Yale, has experience working internationally under President Obama’s administration, and therefore has worn a number of hats in related fields. The Google position would require Sullivan to work closely with President Donald Trump’s administration. Also on Sullivan’s résumé is complicity with Clinton’s top aides in awareness of and secrecy about her private email server. Instead of pitting Sullivan’s public relations baggage against the White House, Google may opt to search elsewhere for a new international policy head.

With the growing interest and concern with advancing technology and its relevance to political and international affairs, it is paramount that Google find the perfect person for this role. With ongoing legal battles and privacy concerns from President Trump’s administration, Google’s international policy director will be an invaluable resource. Additionally, Google is one of many large technology companies that are under scrutiny by both Democrats and Republicans. Many technology corporations are accused of allowing their social media platforms to be used as arenas for political influence. Google, as one of the most influential contributors, is interested in discovering if Jake Sullivan could be the individual needed to bring both political vindication and influence to the table.

The post Google Considers Jake Sullivan For International Policy Head appeared first on AndroidHeadlines.com |.

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