~ Auto Buzz ~: Project Fi May Soon be Google Fi, Get Fancy New Logo

Thursday 1 November 2018

Project Fi May Soon be Google Fi, Get Fancy New Logo

google project fi

We all know Google’s history of throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. We’ve seen plenty of projects launch and then be taken away, so the following news is almost somewhat surprising. Project Fi may soon be getting a rename to Google Fi, complete with a brand new logo.

According to a post on reddit that shows a piece of startup documentation, all of the Project Fi wording appears to be going away and is being replaced with Google Fi. That includes a new logo that showcases the classic Google colors. From what we know so far, nothing else is changing, such as pricing or how you sign up for the service.

We suppose this means Project Fi has so far been a success in the eyes of Google. In our minds, what Google labels as a success is rather subjective, because we thought Inbox was pretty awesome and popular, but that’s being shut down anyway. And Google+? That place was dead for years, and finally, Google decided to close the doors. Google, you’re super weird/funny about these things.

Congrats to Project Fi for being elevated out of Project status.

// reddit

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