~ Auto Buzz ~: 30 Realistic Ways To Earn Money Online At The Comfort Of Your Home

Thursday 1 November 2018

30 Realistic Ways To Earn Money Online At The Comfort Of Your Home

Whether you’re someone who’s looking to break free from your cubicle or start a part-time side hustle, it’s an excellent idea to consider ways you can earn money online. For many people, making money online seems like a concept that’s as imaginary as the tooth fairy. Thankfully, the internet has evolved tremendously. The barrier to entry isn’t high, and there are tons of tangible ways you can earn honest money through the internet. Consider these thirty ways you can earn money online.

1. Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) allows you to efficiently sell items with the use of their powerful platform. You can find discounted, unopened merchandise that’s typically sold on Amazon at a discounted rate. Once you’ve shipped them to an Amazon locker, they’ll hold the item until it sells.

2. YouTube content creator

Consistently create and publish quality, informative content on this platform to earn money. If you choose to do a sponsored post, you can earn a pre-determined amount of money. Many YouTube creators earn income by sharing the content and running YouTube ads throughout the duration of the video.

3. eBook Author

You don’t have to wait for a publisher to pick up your book in order for it to reach the masses. Write, edit and publish your own eBooks. You can use digital platforms like Amazon and Barnes & Nobles for sales. You can also sell the content as an audiobook or in physical form.

4. Course Creator

Think about your particular area of expertise. If you love to teach people about how to bend into challenging yoga poses or if you have a strong love for cooking thirty-minute meals, teach others what you know. Create courses with platforms like Teachable and Udemy. You can set the prices, and sell those courses to the masses.

5. Instagram influencer

This incredible platform is filled with millions of active users. Build a strong platform by producing beautiful content. Once you’re able to amass a following, promote products and services of various brands. Based on your engagement, brands will pay you lots of money for each post.

6. Online Shop Owner

If you’ve always wanted to sell your own merchandise, use sites like Squarespace and Shopify to open up your own online boutique. Determine what types of products or services you’d like to sell. Develop a marketing plan to help you gain a consistent flow of traffic to your website.

7. Blogger

Blogging started off as a mere hobby for many people. However, tons of people are experiencing six-figure months because of blogging. Earn money through sponsored posts, ads and affiliate links. Make sure that you’re consistent with your blogging efforts. Always find ways to get in front of new audiences who will love your content.

8. Freelance Writer

Whether you’d like to earn an extra $100 each month or replace your monthly income, it’s a good idea to utilize platforms that promote freelance writers. If you have a knack for writing and editing, you can pitch your talents to different companies. Get a few retainers over time as this will help you maintain financial stability.

9. Graphic Designer

In order to be an amazing graphic designer, you’ll need access to your digital and online tools. You can promote your services through freelance websites. You can also showcase your talents through the use of social media. As you develop a following, consider adding your designs to t-shirts, mugs and everything in between.

10. Social Media Manager

There are still tons of companies who don’t understand how to utilize social media to increase their profits. If you’re a whiz with Facebook, Pinterest or any other social media platform, consider making it a full-time job. Find ways to consistently hone in on your skills. Make sure that you’re always on trend with what’s changing in this fast-paced digital world.

11. Etsy seller

Etsy is the wonderland for those who love to produce handmade products. A few months ago, Etsy got rid of their wholesale program. However, there are still tons of opportunities to get discovered on this platform. Choose your niche, and create balance. If you love to sell printable calendars or handmade soaps, this is a great platform to consider.

12. Affiliate Marketing

There are so many ways you can actively use affiliate marketing. You can create your own email newsletter. Share the newsletter on a weekly basis. Within the newsletter, include helpful tips and tricks for a specific niche. Within those tips, share affiliate links to items that you’ve purchased and would recommend to others. As people purchase the items, you’ll earn a commission. This is a very innovative way to learn how to earn money.

13. Direct Sales

Whether you’d like to sell makeup with Mary Kay or credit repair services, there’s a direct sales company for almost every industry. You’ll be able to host parties, meet new people and sell your products and services. If you develop the right systems and network well, you can use the company’s platform to earn a significant amount of money.

14. Fiverr.com

Whether you’re a freelance writer or a video editor, there’s a space for you on Fiverr.com. This is a website for freelancers who desire to sell their services. The starting price is $5. Based on the service you’re providing, you can charge more. Earn money by creating logos, building websites and more.

15. Building and Selling Websites

Build a website, add content to it and flip it for a profit. Understand that websites with a solid amount of SEO implementation can be very profitable. You can decide the topic you’d like to focus on. Create content, and run ads. Once you’ve built up the website, find different marketplaces that are willing to purchase it from you.

16. Selling Domains

You can also purchase domains to sell. There are so many experts who have amassed thousands because they purchased lucrative website names, and flipped the sites for a profit. All you’ll need to do is head over to websites that sell domains. Do some research to discover some domain names that’ll be potentially lucrative in the future. Purchase the names for as little as $12.99, and hold them. They can later sell for thousands.

17. Stock Photo Sales

Photography is a popular hobby for many people. At the same time, there are many who don’t see how to earn money outside of family photo shoots at Christmas time. Develop your photographic eye, edit the photos well and upload them to stock photo sites. Once you’ve sold the rights, you can make a consistent stream of income from your photos.

18. Web Developer

The ability to understand HTML is such a special gift. There are tons of people who will quickly pay someone else to take care of the development of their website. If you’re an excellent web developer, promote your services. You can even manage the websites of large companies. Whenever they experience technical difficulties, you’ll be the one to take care of the problems from the comfort of your home office.

19. Web Designer

With so many bloggers and online entrepreneurs taking over the digital world, web design continues to be in demand. Build various templates to show your skill set. Use platforms like Etsy, Instagram and Upwork to pull in new clients or sell pre-made templates. Create designs for different platforms such as WordPress and Blogger to help you diversify your income.

20. Dropshipping

If you want the flexibility of the laptop lifestyle, dropshipping is a great option to consider. When you open up an online shop, use dropshipping to fulfill the product. You promote the products on your site. A customer places their order. The fulfillment company packages and ships the product. You are serving as the middleman to earn your own profit. Dropshipping allows you to earn without touching any physical product.

21. eBay Sales

Think of eBay as an incredible online thrift store. As long as the items are in good condition, you can easily resell them on eBay. Visit local thrift stores to find good-quality jeans and designer brands. Once you’ve found a few deals, research how much those clothes sell for. Then, flip them in order to make a profit.

22. Podcasting

If you have a USB microphone and a small closet, you can host a podcast. Determine the niche you’d like to cover. There are podcasts that discuss how to make it in the music business and how to develop a strong side hustle. You can invite guests to make the conversations more diverse. As your audience grows, you’ll be able to get paid sponsorships from major companies.

23. Create and Manage a Network

There are many people who love producing new content, sharing wisdom and developing communities. If this is your desire, create and manage a network. Consider your target audience. If you desire to bring mothers together to support one another, create a website that also serves as a network. If you’d like to teach others how to earn money through eBook writing, you can do that here. There are many networks that operate for free but host a yearly conference to recoup the costs and profit.

24. Content Subscription Site

Take a look at your areas of expertise. If your specialty involves teaching others more about the stock market, you might want to go further than a few courses. You might decide to create a content subscription site. Each month, you can deliver new courses, lessons and resources that increase a person’s ability to learn about investing in the stock market. When you teach others how to earn money with the stock market, they’ll share your services with their friends. At the right price point, this can be an extremely lucrative endeavor for a number of niches.

25. Subscription Box Membership

Some people are passionate about beauty products. Others love the idea of receiving two new bottles of wine to try each month. Decide which niche you’d like to fill in the subscription box marketplace. Consider a dropshipping option that allows you to fulfill the order without touching the products. In order to build, it’s best to spend a lot of time promoting the subscription box online.

26. Virtual Assistant

Trade your time for dollars by becoming the virtual assistant to someone who has a budding business. Promote your services to friends, colleagues and an online audience. Make sure that you hone in on the ways you can serve as an efficient virtual assistant for a client.

earn money online

27. Call Center Associate

If you have a few hours each day to dedicate to customer service calls, there are plenty of Fortune 500 companies that are looking for associates who have access to WiFi and a phone line to take calls. Make sure that there’s no background noise while you take calls.

28. Data Entry Specialist

Work remotely for a company as a data entry specialist. Spend time each evening looking at online documents to enter the information into various systems. This work can be monotonous, but it’s an easy way to earn money online.

29. Accountant

You don’t have to work in a large corporate office to validate your abilities as a superb accountant. Develop a strong social media platform where you can teach people the benefits of hiring an accountant. Then, promote your services. When you need to meet with a client, they can come to your office.

30. Musician

It’s easier than ever to create your own music to share with the masses. You can also sell your music through various digital platforms, and earn money online. While it takes a lot of work to build an online audience, you can use the internet to increase your visibility in the music world and sell products.

If you’re nervous to take the leap at first, consider that there are thirty different options to choose from. Whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, there’s something for you on this list to excel with to earn money online. You might even decide that you’d like to combine a few of these options to earn even more money. If you remain consistent with your online income efforts, before long, you’ll be able to replace your full-time income. Working from home means that you’ll be able to kiss that dreaded cubicle goodbye!

The post 30 Realistic Ways To Earn Money Online At The Comfort Of Your Home appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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