~ Auto Buzz ~: Google Pay now supports storing movie, airline, and concert tickets

Thursday 10 May 2018

Google Pay now supports storing movie, airline, and concert tickets

Google has been busy this week announcing new things, and now Google Pay is getting some attention, too.

Google Pay, the all-in-one digital payment option, now supports storing digital tickets, which means you can skip the physical ticket if you prefer. Google Pay now supports storing movie, airline, and concert tickets, which will be stored in a specific Tickets section within the app. Google Pay can also store your loyalty cards, transit passes in some locations, and payment cards.

In gaining support for airline and event passes, Google Pay is getting a messaging field within the Tickets section which means that if an update happens, like an updated departure time for your airline, Google Pay can send you a push notification letting you know as much. There will be lock screen notifications as well.

Google Pay was already pretty useful, but being able to store and use digital tickets is a very nice addition to the service.

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