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Friday 17 November 2017

Lose your weight with these simple tricks!


We all have some extra fats that we want to get rid of but that isn’t easy to achieve at all. We need the keep a strict diet, harsh exercises, and be very patient. So, today we are going to present you some simple tricks that will help you to lose your weight without too much effort.

  • You must have a plan

First, you must find the perfect balance between your weight loss goal and the important moments in your life. It isn’t everything in your life about losing weight and being sexy and then you need to prepare a plan and to try to reach your goal every week. But don’t be too strict on yourself.

  • Sleep more

Sleep is the most important thing after a hard day. Some studies have shown that people who slept less are more prone to weight gain because their metabolism works slower and have increased appetite. So, you must sleep at least seven hours per night in order to be healthy and fit.

  • Choose healthy snacks

We all enjoy a tasty snack but do we know how much calories our snack has? It is important to count calories because those “harmless” snacks may be the reason why you are not losing your weight.

  • Keep track of how much you eat

If you want to be successful in losing your weight you must pay attention to what you are eating. Most of the people underestimate the amount of food they are eating by 50% and that is the reason why they can’t lose their weight. Pay attention to the size of your portions and the calories’ intake.

  • Move more

This isn’t easy but you must try harder. Most of us spend our days sitting, in the cars, in front of the computer, TVs etc. Try moving more and you will be amazed by the results. Leave your car further and walk a bit, use the stair instead of the elevator, or walk your kids to school.

  • Avoid some of the beverages

Avoid empty calories like those in some of the drinks we consume. We will drink the calories and yet we will be hungry.

  • Enjoy a cheat day one in a while

It isn’t easy to be on a diet but a cheat day one in a while will help you to deal with it better. Give yourself a break from the restrictive habits you have.

  • Lift heavy weights and add variety to your exercises

The fastest way of fat burning is heavy lifting and that is because your body will continue to burn calories even after you have finished. You can also boost your metabolism by adding variety to your exercises.

  • Avoid carbs

Substitute the pasta, rice, and potatoes with vegetables because carbs are one of the main culprits of your stomach fat.

  • Eat more protein and drink plenty of water

Proteins digest very easy and they are thrown out by the metabolism so they won’t stay in your body as fats and you will feel full. But, you must also drink plenty of water in order to stay hydrated and to boost your metabolism.

Source: simpleyummyhealthy.com

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