~ Auto Buzz ~: How can you prevent blindness from trachoma?

Friday 17 November 2017

How can you prevent blindness from trachoma?


At the beginning let’s explain what is trachoma. It is a bacterial infection of the eyes which is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis.

The symptoms are, discharge from your eyes, cornea (cloudy lens), swelled lymph nodes, and eyelids. It can be easily transmitted only by a simple contact with an infected person or an infected item. The easiest way to treat it, is with antibiotics, azithromycin. Luckily, these bacteria aren’t resistant to azithromycin.

How does it cause blindness?

The eyelashes start curling inwards and always when we blink we scratch the lenses and after a while our vision becomes blurry and we can even completely lose our eyesight. If it is not treated many people especially children will lose their vision in early adulthood.

How bad is this situation?

One in twenty cases of the world blindness is due to trachoma and even though it is preventable still 6 million people are blind due to it and 150 mill. need treatment.

It is the leading cause of blindness especially in the poorly developed countries.

How can it be prevented?

One of the main reasons for trachoma is poor sanitation. As we already said it is mainly devolved in the poor countries that have limited access to clean water. In this way it, the bacteria are more easily spread and transmitted. Another culprit of its spreading are flies, which spread the infection very easy.

People who are affected by trachoma can return their eyelashes in their normal state with surgery and this can prevent further damage.

Antibiotics are the best remedy for this infection and they will destroy the bacteria and reduce the spread.

Washing your face with clean water is another thing that can help you to protect yourself from this infection. This is actually the main thing that can prevent trachoma blindness.

What to do?

If you are reading this from your home or your work computer that means that you are not at big risk of becoming infected with trachoma but still you can help the rest of the world by helping the Water Aid organization with donations or volunteering.

Source: medicinehow.com

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