~ Auto Buzz ~: The benefits of Manuka honey!

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

The benefits of Manuka honey!


There are different types of honey but some researchers have found that the most beneficial of all the honey types is the Manuka. It is the honey that is produced by the bees that gather the nectar from the Manuka bush. It is especially known for its antibacterial properties and it is also known as the greatest natural antibiotic.

It fights superbugs

The bacteria have the ability to become resistant to an antibiotic after a while. So, they become useless over time. But some studies have shown that the Manuka honey killed all the bacteria that was tested on. None of the bacteria survived the treatment.

The benefits

The Manuka honey is used for chronic inflammation, high cholesterol, cancer prevention, sinus infection, gastrointestinal problems, and diabetes. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibiotic, and antibacterial properties but it also boosts the immune system. Another of its uses is for wounds because it kills MRSA and MSSA biofilms. It can be a great substitution for all the antibiotics. There were many studies that have shown positive results in treating chronic wound infections with Manuka honey.

In the past years a lot of people have heard the benefits of Manuka honey and are consuming it but you must be careful because there are many cheap and fake products on the market.

Source: healthy-holistic-living


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