~ Auto Buzz ~: Great food if you have cold feet and hands, leg pain, and muscle cramps!

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Great food if you have cold feet and hands, leg pain, and muscle cramps!

It isn’t unusual to have cold feet and hands during the winter but if that is something that happens to you even in the summer than it might be connected to poor circulation, improper nutrition, lack of minerals, etc. This can lead to more serious diseases like heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, etc.

Poor circulation can include many symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, muscle cramps, headaches, numbness sensation, irregular heartbeat, and pain in the legs.

Foods that can boost circulation

MCT oil

This oil can be found in the coconut and palm oil. MCTs stimulate the function of the thyroid, produce energy, and stimulate fat burning. Try consuming them and you will have warmer feet and hands.


An important ingredient of the cayenne is the capsaicin. It has the ability to boost the metabolism and circulation. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the pain. The cayenne improves the circulation and strengthens the capillaries and arteries. Breastfeeding and pregnant women should avoid it.


It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and as a great antioxidant. It improves circulation and digestion, relieves the symptoms of arthritis, and prevents cancer. Its most important ingredient is the curcumin which prevents plaque clots forming in the arteries.

These great natural foods will significantly improve your circulation. You should also try eating healthy and drink a lot of water.

Source: healthy-holistic-living.com

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