~ Auto Buzz ~: 7 Early Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

Wednesday 2 August 2017

7 Early Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

Sometimes our body sends us some warning signs but we aren’t able to recognize them. To learn how to recognize these signs is very important and it can save our lives.

Today we are going to talk about the signs of heart attack. This is the leading reason for death in women and men. More than half a million people die every year only in the US from heart disease.

You probably already know some of these signs like numbness or pain in the arm but not all people experience this symptom when suffering a heart attack. Here are some signs that can save your life if you can recognize them on time.

Heartburn, nausea, indigestion

Nausea can be as a result of many things but if you are experiencing a combination of these three for longer than two days and they happen frequently then you should visit your doctor. This symptom is more common to men than women.

Insomnia and anxiety attacks

We often suffer from insomnia but if this happens very often and lasts for longer periods of time then you should check with your doctor. Due to lack of oxygen, the body goes into swing mode and we have changes in our mood and suffer from anxiety.

Pain in the chest

Pain in the chest is an indicator of a heart attack, it can also be accompanied by burning sensation or pressure in the chest. It usually starts in the chest and continues down through your body, in your back or your arm. this is also more common in men; women can experience a heart attack without any chest pain.

Unusual sweating

This is normal when it is hot or when we are exercising but if there is no reason to sweat but you still do then you should check with your doctor.

Pain and aches

We have already mentioned the pain in your chest but it can also be experienced in the jaw, arms, neck, and shoulders. If you experience a pain that is not connected to an injury you should check with your doctor.

Excessive fatigue

If you feel fatigue for longer periods of time, even when you are doing simple everyday tasks then should visit the doctor.

Dizziness and shortness of breath

This condition is more common in women. The weak heart can’t pump enough oxygen and we can’t breathe properly.

Causes of heart attack

  • Alcohol
  • Lack of exercise
  • Not enough vegetables and fruits
  • Adverse psychological factors
  • Abdominal obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • High cholesterol

Difference between women and men

The warning signs in women and men are different. Women usually experience chest pain and discomfort, vomiting, nausea, jaw pain, back pain, and shortness of breath.

What should you do

If you experience any of these symptoms you must immediately visit your doctor because that can save your life.

Source: ritely.com


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