~ Auto Buzz ~: Surprising Remedies Against Excessive Hair That Grows Or Hirsutism

Monday 31 July 2017

Surprising Remedies Against Excessive Hair That Grows Or Hirsutism

The excess of terminal hair is called hirsutism. In these cases, some unwanted hair may appear on the chin, upper lip, areola, etc. The genetics is the main factor of this problem but it can also be linked to hormonal imbalance like intake of birth control pills, polycystic ovary syndrome, pituitary gland, adrenal gland, and menopause.

Here are some remedies that can help you with this condition.

  • Remedy 1

Into some boiling water put a ½ tbsp. of sage and half sarsaparilla. Cover the mixture and leave it for a while. Drink this two times per day, three times per week for 1 month.

  • Remedy 2

A tbsp. of red clover and a tbsp. of nettle boil in a cup of water for 5 minutes. After it has cooled down, strain it and drink one cup per day.

  • Remedy 3

Make a lemon juice from one lemon, put a tsp. of sugar and some water. Mix this and place some stripes in it. Now apply the stripes on the places you want to remove the hair, wait until is dry remove it. It works like waxing.

  • Remedy 4

Soak a cotton gauze into some hydrogen peroxide and rub the areas with the unwanted hair. The hair will lose its color and this process is similar to chemical discoloration.

Recommendations for excessive hair

  • With some forceps trim the hair. If your hair grows only to a limited area, then you can use some tweezers to remove the hair. It may be a little painful and the area will be irritated and red. but your hair will grow again in 4-13 weeks.
  • Another thing to do is bleaching the hair and it will be less visible. A powder mixed with some cream is perfect for bleaching the hair, just keep in mind to check the date because it loses its properties when it is for too long on the shelves. It the first time the bleaching isn’t successful, the second will surely be.
  • A widely used technique is waxing. It isn’t recommended to use hot wax because it can also damage the skin, use wax stripes instead. You should take a shower first, dry well, and follow the instruction of the wax packing. When you have finished waxing you can moisturize your skin or put some cream.
  • Visit the doctor if you notice a sudden change in your hair growth or color.

Source:  naturalcarebox.com


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