~ Auto Buzz ~: Lose Weight Quickly and Speed Up Your Metabolism By Eating These 10 Foods

Monday 31 July 2017

Lose Weight Quickly and Speed Up Your Metabolism By Eating These 10 Foods

The food we eat and our daily habits are very important if we want to lose some weight. The first thing to do is to boost our metabolism. If our metabolism doesn’t work properly we will have dry skin, swollen joints, weight gain, cholesterol, fatigue, slower heart rate, etc.

Here are some foods that will help you to boost the metabolism and in that way to lose some extra weight.

  • Green tea

It is rich in antioxidants and also polyphenols which boost the metabolism. It has thermogenic properties and promotes the oxidation of the fats. There are a lot of studies that have proven that green tea is great for weight loss.

  • Lemons

They cleanse the digestive system and the liver and boost the metabolism at the same time.  They are rich in vitamin C and enzymes and help the removal of toxins from the body.

  • Grapefruit

These fruits rich in vitamin C help the body to burn the fats and regulate the metabolism. Falvanoid called naringenin is an ingredient of the grapefruit that lowers the levels of insulin in the blood and speeds up the metabolism.

  • Cayenne pepper

The main ingredient, capsaicin, boosts the metabolism due to its thermogenic properties. It increases the body temperature, lowers the appetite, and increases the energy.

  • Ginger

Another plant that has thermogenic properties which boost the metabolism is the ginger. A study has shown that the ginger decreases the visceral fat amount and speeds up the metabolism. When we eat ginger we feel satiated and this leads to fewer calories.

  • Apples

Apples are great for losing weight because they boost the metabolism, help the digestion, and bowel movements. They are rich in fibers and keep us satiated for a longer period of time.

  • Cinnamon

This extremely delicious spice is rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals. It lowers the sugar levels, boosts the metabolism, and decreases the body fat.

  • Black coffee

It stimulates the psychoactive central nervous system and increases the levels of norepinephrine and dopamine which help in releasing fats.

But you must limit the consumption to 2-3 cups per day.

  • Broccoli

This vegetable is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which break down the fat and speed up the metabolism. The best thing is that you can consume it as much as you want because is low in calories.

  • Almonds

Almonds are very beneficial due to the omega 3 fatty acids they contain and they also lower the production of the leptin, the hormone that slows down the metabolism.  They lower the cholesterol and help you to lose weight.

Source: organicfoodmedicine.com

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