What if the secret for good look lies behind one very simple mix? The ingredients you all have it at home, or at least you can find them in the closest market. And, they are honey and cinnamon! Honey is the bee product that is considered as one of the best for your health. One tablespoon of honey a day keeps you safe away from bacteria and viruses. But, now, combined with one of the most attractive aromas in the world – the one of cinnamon. You know, that sweet spice that goes perfectly with apple pies, milk drinks, tea, oatmeal etc. But, have you ever thought to combine it with honey, ah? Cinnamon is a great fighter against diabetes. Your heart will love it, the cholesterol levels will be lower, blood flow is better.
How to make this magical drink?
In a 0.2l of water put ½ tsp of cinnamon powder. Leave it like that for 30 min. In that, put a spoon of honey and put it in a fridge.
Very important notification – you must drink this half an hour before going to bed. This combination will do miracles to your body. It will improve the digestion, removes toxins from the body and much more!
It is sweet, so why not try it?
Source: losingweightdone.com
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