~ Auto Buzz ~: 7 Self-Care Ideas for the Holidays

Monday 14 November 2016

7 Self-Care Ideas for the Holidays


This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #OREOThinSide #CollectiveBias


It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

But it can also be the most stressful. November and December tend to be the most jam-packed months when your calendar fills up quickly with holiday events. Self-care tends to take a backseat.

Between the holiday parties, work obligations, shopping for gifts, planning a holiday meal, cooking, and visiting family – it can be really easy to put yourself last and forget about your own needs.

So I wanted to put together a few self-care ideas to put into your schedule now for a restful and more relaxed holiday season:

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1) Book a Massage / Spa Day

Spending time with your entire family for days on end can make anyone tense! If you have any health benefits to use up before the end of the year, this is great time to book a massage to melt away the tension, stress and pressure we all put on ourselves over the holidays and focus on some self-care.

I like going early in the morning on the weekend and planning a very relaxed day for the rest of the afternoon. Book your spa appointment soon as holiday appointments tend to fill up quickly.


2) Dinner + Movie with Your Best Friend

I spend a lot of time online and on social media as part of my job. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to get offline and spend time with your friends in-person.

For me, if I don’t schedule it– it doesn’t happen. I encourage you to email your closest friends and book a dinner and a movie night out before Christmas.

There are SO many great films coming out during Oscar season, that you’ll find something great to see. Better yet? Host a movie night in at your place with a potluck dinner. It’s a great excuse to unplug, give your mind a break and enjoy a night with friends.


3) Curl-up With a New Book or Favorite Magazine

Grab a snuggly blanket and curl up in your most favorite chair in the house with a new book or your favorite magazine. Calendars tend to fill-up quickly with holiday parties. Pick one quiet night for yourself and take a break from the hustle and bustle of Christmas.

I like heating up a warm cup of almond milk and dunking a few OREO Thins while I get caught up on my holiday reading. It definitely satisfies my chocolate craving and is a sweet treat to enjoy during my down time.

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4) Get Your Hair Blown Out 

Have a bunch of holiday events scheduled back-to-back? Save yourself a bunch of time and get your hair blown out the afternoon of your first event. Make that blowout last as long as possible with a proper shower cap and dry shampoo. You’ll look great, feel great and save time getting ready during a busy week of engagements.

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5) Try a New Workout

Sweat out any holiday stress and challenge yourself to try a new workout. Take a spin class, breathe deeply during a yoga practice or grab a pair of skates and head outside to your local skating rink. Put on your warmest clothes and go for a walk at night to admire all the holiday lights while getting your steps in. We’re always busy doing stuff for others; remember to take time out to do something for yourself and focus on your self-care.


6) Hire a Cleaning Person

This is my splurge.  I do a ton of cooking and usually have family and friends coming in and out over the holidays. It’s not long until my place looks like a bit of a mess.

The last thing I want to do is scrub my tub, clean my oven or mop the floors. Treat yourself to cleaning person and let them do the heavy lifting, while you take the afternoon off to finish any last-minute errands or holiday shopping. Better yet? Give yourself the afternoon off to do whatever it is that you want.

Tight on cash? Check your local group-buying site or look for coupons online. Many cleaning companies will offer you a discount on your first clean.

oreo thins self care

7) Reflect on What You’re Grateful For

I can be a bit of a perfectionist and used to set really high expectations of what I thought the holidays should look like. Listen, we can’t do it all and I refuse to let the holidays get me all stressed out.

The best way to put things in perspective is to take a few moments everyday to reflect on what you’re grateful for. Think of all the amazing people, places and things that you have in your life. There are people who have much less, so don’t get too worked up over the little things and do something kind for someone else during the holiday season. It’s all about self-care and letting things go every once in awhile.



OREO Thins are a great little snack when I feel like slowing down and taking some time out for myself. You can find them at your local Kroger or Fred Meyer store in the cookie aisle, like the one pictured above here.

To learn more, visit OREO online.

How do you take care of yourself during the busy holiday season?


The post 7 Self-Care Ideas for the Holidays appeared first on This Beautiful Day.

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