~ Auto Buzz ~: Useful tips for comfortable driving

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Useful tips for comfortable driving




With the beautiful warm weather and a hint of a gentle breeze, now may be the perfect time to hit the open road. But before you take off, check out some practical driving and maintenance tips that will make your journey fun and safe!


Driving A to Z

To guarantee an exhilarating adventure ahead, Kia has prepared an animated driving guide entailing the very basics of driving. Although the presented tips may be familiar and rather straightforward, these simple rules come in handy when maintaining safety and are sure to be a nice refresher for drivers before they hit the road.

A pre-drive check always helps to prevent inconveniences that may occur on the road. Adjust your seat position, mirrors and steering wheel. Don’t forget to do a 360-degree check of your car to make sure all systems are okay before starting your trip.



Once on the road, you may be faced with other challenges. Our driving guide series also keeps drivers knowledgeable on saving gas and other challenging driving situations.



It is undeniable that parking takes up a huge portion of the driving experience and no matter how experienced drivers are, they frequently find themselves in difficult parking situations. The animated guide provides easy parking tips that will make you an expert in no time.



Take on car maintenance!




Cruising on the road under the caress of the sun is priceless. However, no matter how lovely the weather seems, the elements may be damaging to your car. Here are a few tips to help keep your four-wheeled companion in tip-top shape during the toasty weather.


1) Mind the AC




An unmaintained air conditioning system tends to fail easily in the hot weather. When left uncleaned for a long time, your AC filter may house unwanted fungus and bacteria, resulting in unpleasant smells and even respiratory diseases for passengers. Make sure to switch out filters and clean the air vents regularly. If your system also blows out warm air, it may be time to visit an authorized serviced shop to re-gas your system.


2) Keep the engine cool




Overheating is the main cause of summer breakdowns. Completely flush and refill the car’s cooling system every 24 months. Periodically check the level, condition and concentration of engine coolant. Familiarizing yourself with your car’s cooling system will always help while on the road.




If you see symptoms of overheating, such as the rising of the temperature gauge, warning lights and steam from the hood, don’t panic. If you are driving, pull over to a safe place and turn off the engine to cool it down for at least half an hour before opening the hood. Check your coolant levels and refill if necessary. If the coolant level is running low, there may be a leak somewhere, in which case seeking professional help may be the best idea.


3) Prepare for sudden weather changes




Summer showers often lead to slippery roads, which can result in accidents. During the wet season, always travel at slower speeds and leave extra stopping distance between yourself and the car in front of you. Before you set off on the road, double check to make sure that all your lights and signals are working.




Are you now ready for your trip? Keep these quick and easy tips in mind for a safe and memorable road trip. We at Kia Motors wish you an exciting and pleasant journey!

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