~ Auto Buzz ~: Something from WWII still very relevant today

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Something from WWII still very relevant today

You'd think the rules of economy and efficiency have changed much over the years have you? No, not really. The automobile is still basically in its current state with the exception of having more electronics than the chap who did the first space flight in the 1950s.

 Tyres have gotten better but only slightly. From bias ply to full steel carbon fiber belted radials. But the same basic rules apply. Over fifty years ago as you can see from this British MoD poster.

Note that those were tough times. These are tough times too. Look at the state of our economy. This poster could still be super relevant today.

But you should ignore the last line or two though. 50% of the world's rubber exports could still actually be ours.

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