If you’re in the market for a used car, there are a few things to keep in mind to get through – and possibly even enjoy – some tire kicking, test driving and haggling at vehicle dealerships.
Things like size, colour and the number of clicks on the odometer are important, but you don’t want to stop there. Since your used car purchase may very well be one of the biggest financial investments you make, you should certainly do your homework.
“The Internet is a consumer’s best tool for comparing brands and models,” said Tim Elliott, sales manager, used vehicles, at Waterloo Honda. “There are many automotive information and advertising sites out there. Talk to friends and co-workers about the vehicles they drive and how their experience has been with the vehicle and their dealer.”
Knowledge is, as the saying goes, power, and the better prepared you are before hunting for a used car, the more likely you’ll steer away from a negative car-buying experience and towards a positive outcome that leads to years of enjoyable motoring.
It costs more than it costs
After almost 30 years in the business, Angelo DiCicco, general manager across the Greater Toronto Area for Young Drivers of Canada, has found out that most people don’t actually know how much a car really costs.
“When you purchase a vehicle, there’s the purchase price, which is one thing,” explained DiCicco. “That’s almost really like a down payment because after that you’re going to have to pay for gas, insurance, repairs – things of that nature. Those are the things that you’ll want to take into account. Just because you have enough money to purchase the car, that isn’t where it ends.”
More tips
Before you sign on the dotted line to purchase a used car, he said, you need to ensure that the vehicle is not at risk of being repossessed, has been properly maintained, has no outstanding recall issues and is subject to a thorough inspection by a professional auto mechanic.
He said that when you’re test driving used cars, you should be less concerned about testing the braking system courtesy of bringing the vehicle up to 80 km/hour or 100 km/hour before slamming on the brakes, and more concerned about things like the following:
- Determining if there’s any slippage from the gears when you’re doing a tight three-point turn;
- Assessing how much hesitation there is in moving from drive to reverse and vice-versa; and
- Checking if there’s any lagging in the steering column when you’re attempting to turn the steering wheel both smoothly and continuously.
Don’t forget about insurance
And then there’s that issue about insurance – something you should check into before signing off on any deal to buy a used car.
Pete Karageorgos, manager, consumer and industry relations, Insurance Bureau of Canada, explained that there are numerous factors that will play a role in determining just how much insurance you’ll have to pay. One thing to keep in mind is that your insurance rate will be higher if the used car you buy is popular among car thieves.
“One of the things that IBC has and puts out on an annual basis is our Top 10 Stolen Vehicles list,” he said. “So you want to try to avoid vehicles that are typically targeted by car thieves. Over the last few years, we’ve noticed the trend being towards pickup trucks nationally, but cars like the Honda Civic are still on that list. The higher the theft frequency, the higher the cost would be to insure it for things like theft and fire and vandalism and those types of coverages.”
Safety features that result in lower injury rates and anti-theft devices that reduce the risks of vehicle theft will benefit you as you look for reasonable insurance rates, he said. IBC’s website actually contains a How Cars Measure Up section that you can visit to view the cost of repairs as well as the injury rates for vehicles from the 2000-2013 model years.
Happy hunting
With all the information available, you should be able to head out and select a used car that you’ll enjoy driving. And, if you know what to expect and have a better idea of how to make a good choice, you may actually enjoy the hunt for your next used car.
“Know going in what you are hoping to accomplish when you visit a dealer,” said Elliott from Waterloo Honda. “[A]nd above all else, relax and have fun throughout the process.”
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