~ Auto Buzz ~: 20 Text Messages to Send to Someone with Depression

Saturday 3 October 2020

20 Text Messages to Send to Someone with Depression

Depression is hard to deal with, and anyone who is going through it needs a supportive friend. Data from the National Institute of Mental Health shows that approximately 17.3 million people in the United States have depression. This high number means that it is highly likely that someone close to you is one of the unlucky ones.

Those who aren’t depressed may not be able to relate to those who are, but they can still be supportive. Frequently, those with this mental illness need to know they aren’t alone.

Even when it seems like they don’t want to talk, an encouraging word from a supportive friend can change everything. You can’t always be there physically, but you can let them know you are thinking of them. These text message ideas will help you send something meaningful and encouraging.

20 Text Messages to Send to Someone with Depression

Here are twenty messages of support to text out to someone who is struggling with a bout of depression or other mental illness.


1. “I promise I’ll be here when you are ready to talk.”

Those who have mental illness may not want to talk about what is on their mind. Talking about it can be hard, and the person often wants to be alone. Pushing them to talk won’t get them talking any sooner, and it could push them away.

2. “Call or text me anytime you need to talk. I’m always here for you.”

They may feel alone as they struggle, so it’s always nice for them to know you are there for them. Just knowing you are thinking about them and that you care will make them feel a little better. Your friend might not reply, but they will still have appreciated the text message.

3. “You are important to me, and I love you. Even when things are hard, you are not alone.”

Depression causes people to feel like no one cares about them. They need to hear that they are essential to you and that they are loved. This acknowledgment will help them explore their worth and remind them that they have support.

4. “You make my life better.

When someone is depressed, they may convince themselves that their loved ones would be better off without them. When you tell them that they make your life better, they will know that their thoughts aren’t accurate. They need to hear this so they feel wanted and to know they aren’t making your life worse.

5. “I can’t begin to understand what you are going through, but you are strong, and you can get through this.”

Pretending to understand what they are feeling won’t help them. It can do more harm than good because it makes them feel like their feelings are invalidated.

By letting them know that you don’t understand, they will see that you are honest. Then, when you tell them they are strong and that you know they can get through it, they’ll believe you.

6. “You are not your failures, and you are not a disappointment. I’m proud of who you are and how strong you are.”

Those with depression beat themselves up for their failures. This person begins to think that failing means they can’t accomplish anything, and they believe they are a disappointment. By reassuring them that these things aren’t real, they may be able to get up and try again.

7. “Remember that everything that happens to you will ultimately make you stronger. When you get through this, and I know you will, you’ll have gained strength and wisdom. It might not make mcuh sense today, but it will later.”

While letting them know they will come through this more robust than before, you’ll give them hope. Sometimes hope is all that isomeone needs get out of bed and living life again.

8. “The way you are feeling won’t last forever. Things will get better, and you will be happy again. You are stronger than your depression and can get through anything.”

Remind them that brighter days are coming. They won’t feel depressed forever, and happiness will return. Reassure your friend that they are strong enough to get through the darkness.

9. “Take your time feeling better. There is no rush, and I will be waiting for you when you are ready. I’m not going anywhere.”

As explained before, you can’t rush them when it comes to talking about their feelings. Let them know that whenever they need to talk or spend time with someone, you’ll be there waiting.

10. “Your small victories are more important than anything else. If you can get out of bed, you have achieved something. Keep those achievements going and see what else you can do today.”

Getting out of bed can be the hardest part of the day for a depressed person. Reassure them that if that is all they do today, they will have accomplished something. It will encourage them to do more, and eventually, they will begin to venture out.

11. “I’ll come with you if you aren’t comfortable going out alone.”

Being depressed can cause people to isolate themselves, which only makes the situation worse. They may avoid going to necessary places such as the grocery store because it could set them off. If you offer to go with them, they may have more confidence that way and will be able to get out.

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12. “Your feelings aren’t wrong, and no one blames you for being depressed. I care about your well-being and will always be here for you.”

By validating their feelings, they will know that you are supportive of them. They often beat themselves up because they think everyone blames them for being depressed. Reassure them that no one blames them, that they are cared for, and that they are not alone.

13. “When you’re having a hard time, and you feel like you are alone, remember that you always have me.”

When someone is depressed, they often feel all alone. They feel like no one understands them or cares about them. Let them know you care and that you are here for them through the hard times.

14. “I’m coming over. We don’t have to talk, but I want to sit with you and keep you company. Is there anything I can bring over for you?”

Since they may isolate themselves during dark times, they won’t invite you over. They may still want company, though, and by inviting yourself over, you could make their day. Isolation means they may not have gotten things they need, so offering to bring something can help, too.

15. “I’m sorry that you are hurting. Let me know if you want to talk or need some company. I’m always here for you.”

Validating their feelings is always a good place to start. It lets them know that you have been paying attention and listening to them. Show them that you aren’t pushing them to talk or do anything but will be available if they need you.

16. “Do you want to hang out or just go for a walk?”

Spending time with a loved one or friend could pull someone out of a dark place. Inviting them to get together can cheer them up and take their mind off what they are going through. A walk is a good suggestion because physical activity helps depression, plus, it’s the perfect time to talk.

17. “Is there anything I can do to help you?”

Since a symptom of depression is fatigue, your loved one may be too tired to do basic things. They may skip grocery shopping, which means they won’t have healthy food to eat. Housework may be too much for them, and helping them tidy up could make a huge difference.

There are many tasks that most people take for granted that are a massive task for a depressed person. Offering to help can alleviate some stress and make them feel like they don’t have so much to handle.

18. “How are you managing your depression? Would you like me to visit the doctor with you?”

Anyone who has depression should have a treatment plan. It may not always include medication, but it would consist of regular monitoring from a doctor.

Asking how they are managing can allow you some insight into their treatment plan. If they haven’t seen a doctor, offer to go along with them so that they will be more comfortable. Likewise, if they have seen a doctor, but their symptoms have worsened, offer to go with them again.

19. “Remember the person you were before the dark times set in. That person will return, and I’ll be here waiting. I believe in you. I am confident that you are strong enough to get through it.”

By telling them to recall who they were before, they’ll reflect on happier times. This could help them strive for happiness again and help them leave the dark place the depression put them in.

20. “I may not wholly understand everything you are going through, but I will try my best. I’m always here to listen anytime you need to talk.”

As explained before, you shouldn’t pretend to know what they are going through. Even if you also have a mental illness yourself, it is different for everyone. Instead, just let them know you will listen no matter what, also if you can’t relate.

depressionFinal Thoughts on Text Messages to Send to Someone with Depression

Suffering from depression can cause people to feel alone, unwanted, unloved, and defeated. By merely letting them know you are thinking of them and care about them, you could help them. This could help pull them out of the dark place they are in.

Don’t pretend to know how they are feeling, but be encouraging and let them know you are there. They will need a supportive friend to help them get through.

The post 20 Text Messages to Send to Someone with Depression appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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