~ Auto Buzz ~: 10 Red Flags Someone is a Negative Thinker (and How to Help Turn It Around)

Saturday 12 September 2020

10 Red Flags Someone is a Negative Thinker (and How to Help Turn It Around)

We all know that one particular individual who is always negative and puts a bad vibe on everything. Sometimes, that person maybe you, even if you don’t realize it. There are many signs of a negative thinker that you may not always consider.

You may always think you are bringing positivity and optimism to a group. If you are exhibiting any of the red flags discussed below, however, you are doing the opposite of that. Negativity doesn’t always mean rudeness or sarcasm, and it can occur in many forms.

A negative thinker may not realize it, but negativity is bad for both their emotional well-being and their health. It can cause negative self-thoughts, judgmental thoughts about those around them, and destructive behaviors. Plus, it can cause high blood pressure, over-production of cortisol, and cause problems in their relationships.

Red Flags Someone is a Negative Thinker

Hard times will occur, and unexpected obstacles will interfere with your plans. You can’t let your negative thoughts overwhelm you in these instances, though, because the future depends on your positivity. Watch for these red flags in yourself and others that someone is a negative thinker.

1. This Person Often Says, “It’s too good to be true.”

Another phrase you may hear from them is something like, “It’ll never last”. They shut down all possibilities because they think good things will never truly come to them or those around them. This type of mindset forces them to miss out on joy and happiness.

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2. Negative Thinkers Dwell on the Past

While the past is essential, it shouldn’t be all-consuming or even causing stress and anxiety. For negative-thinkers, however, they can’t get past what has happened before. It will keep them stuck in a cycle of repetitiveness and displeasure.

Instead, they should think about how their past situations shaped who they are today. They should think about what they learned from it how to avoid it in the future.

3. Negative Thinkers Are Always Judging Other People

If someone is always gossiping and making rude comments about others, they are likely a negative person. It may seem relatively harmless, but when it is a regular occurrence, it’s a sign of negativity toward themselves and others.

Their overly critical personalities are a huge red flag, and it’s something that doesn’t go away on its own. You may often wonder if they are saying mean things about you behind your back. The people in their lives will often wonder if they’ll ever be good enough, too.

4. They Seem Unable to Accept Compliments

Many people have this problem, and you’ll notice it quickly any time you hear them receive a compliment. They will downplay their accomplishments or tell you they don’t believe you when you offer nice words.

This mindset causes people to miss out on the happiness and excitement of achievement. Plus, it can ruin self-esteem because these folks are always thinking negatively about themselves.

5. They Have Trouble Keeping Friends or Relationships

People who aren’t negative don’t enjoy being around negative people. The constant negative remarks can take a toll on any relationship, causing the relationship to end. It’s all about how they present themselves and how they behaved toward the person.

6. People Who Think Negatively Focus on the Problem

Instead of thinking about a solution, a negative person will fixate on the problem. They won’t be able to see a way to fix the problem, and they’ll keep bringing up the negativity. Frequently, they’ll be able to point out where the failure happened, but they still won’t come up with a solution.

7. Negative Thinkers Aren’t Excited About the Future

If someone is overly anxious about the future, they may be a negative person. Likewise, if they won’t do anything to change their future, it’s also a sign. They don’t often explore new opportunities or work on developing skills.

When a challenge arises, they often give up because they can’t process that the future can be better. Since they have already decided that it won’t be better, they’ll do nothing to change it.

8. Negative Thinkers Are Overly Bossy

Negative people like to control everything, and that includes the actions of others. They will try to tell you what to do in your life. Then, they’ll have a negative opinion about every decision you make if it isn’t the decision they suggested.

Even big situations in other people’s lives will warrant a comment from a negative person. From which house they buy to the job they choose, the negative person will weigh in. This is another sign they haven’t gotten their life issues taken care of, and they have a negative personality.

9. Those Who Think Negatively Are Constantly Listening to Bad News

They will always know the latest bad news about those around them and about the world in general. Often, they feed off alarming or shocking news, as it gives them something to discuss. They will keep you well-informed on all the details, even if you aren’t interested.

Unfortunately, over-exposure to negative news can harm a person more than they think. It can cause post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, or anxiety.

10. Negative Thinkers Are Always Complaining

You will notice a person who complains or whines about every aspect of your life. These are negative people, and they find any tiny detail to complain about.

They make it seem as if everything happens only to ruin their day. This is including the weather and other things that no one can control. This person will also often blame their “bad luck” on their boss or their upbringing. You may notice that they think they are never at fault. They will never admit that their lack of effort, energy, or creative energy is what is holding them back.

negative thinkerHow to Start to Think Positive

1. Start and End Each Day with One Positive Thought

Starting the day with a positive thought can set the tone for the entire day. If you start with a positive idea, you will have a joyous day. On the other hand, if you begin negatively, you’ll have a gloomy day.

Tell yourself that it will be a good day and that you are going to be in a good mood. This will help you get in the right mindset for positivity.

2. Find a Positive in All Situations

Unexpected obstacles or situations are going to occur, no matter what. Remember to stay positive through these situations. You can do this by finding any positive, no matter how small it is.

The positive could be that you had time to listen to your favorite song on the radio. Another option is to find humor in a negative situation. No matter what it is, it will help keep your thoughts positive.

3. Learn from Your Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, so remind yourself of that next time it happens to you. Instead of thinking negatively about it, use it as a learning opportunity. Figure out an action plan for next time so that you don’t make the same mistake.

4. Eliminate Negative Self-Talk and Implement Positive Self-Talk

You might not notice when the negative self-talk first sets in. As soon as you see, however, you should make a conscious decision to change it. For every negative thought, think two positive ones about yourself.

5. Focus on the Present Moment

Don’t even focus on something that happened five or ten minutes ago. Only focus on this exact moment, and make a change so that it’s a positive one. Frequently, negative thoughts stem from things that have happened previously, so focusing on the present will eliminate that problem.

6. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Positivity is contagious, so when you surround yourself with positive people, you’ll become more positive. From them, you will hear positive comments and outlooks, lively stories, and positive affirmations. These words will positively affect you, and you’ll find yourself having similar thoughts.

Additionally, you need to get rid of other negative people in your life. Just like positivity, negativity is contagious, too. When negative people surround you, you won’t be able to become more positive.

8. Learn to Accept Compliments

It may feel off-putting at first, but force yourself to say “thank you” when someone compliments you. Don’t shrug it off or tell them you don’t believe them. Don’t convince yourself that their compliment had a negative meaning beneath it, either.

When you can do this, you’ll become more positive. Plus, it’ll help boost your self-esteem and confidence.

9. Stop Listening to or Reading Negative News

Hearing negative news each day can take a toll on your mental health. It can force you to think negatively and hinder your ability to be hopeful for the future. Limit your news intake if you feel like it might be affecting you.

negative thinkerFinal Thoughts on Red Flags Someone is a Negative Thinker (and how to turn it around)

Everyone experiences negative thoughts sometimes, but if you are a negative thinker, you’ll always have them. Positive people will roll with whatever comes their way and look for the best solution to problems. Try to focus on doing that if you find that you are having negative thoughts.

If you let the negative thoughts take over your life, you will struggle to reach your goals. Use these ideas for how to turn the negativity around so that you can live a more fulfilling life. If you aren’t the negative thinker in your life, share these ideas with the person who is.

The post 10 Red Flags Someone is a Negative Thinker (and How to Help Turn It Around) appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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