~ Auto Buzz ~: Doctors Reveal the Symptoms and Remedies for Oral Thrush

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Doctors Reveal the Symptoms and Remedies for Oral Thrush

Did you know that there’s a fungus among us? More precisely, scientists believe that there are over five billion fungi species, some of them causing illness and disease. Fungal infections, or thrush, are common in children and adults and can be internal or external.

One of the most common fungal infections in children and adults is oral thrush, also called oral candidiasis. Although a little candidiasis yeast is on everyone’s skin and in their bodies, an overgrowth can cause infections that affect your entire system.

Natural Ways to Eradicate Thrush

If you have a severe or chronic case of thrush, your healthcare provider may prescribe drugs or topical ointments. Named for the spots on the breast of the thrush bird, the first signs of this illness are milky white lesions in the mouth, throat, or tongue. Improper oral care and poor hygiene may also trigger an overgrowth of yeast.

If you have this condition, consider talking to your healthcare provider about these ten natural remedies.

1. Gargle Salt Water

Since early humans discovered salt in the sea and underground, it’s been an integral source of seasoning and medicine. It was once considered so valuable in Rome that soldiers were often paid their wages in salt, which is the origins of the word salary. When you notice the first signs of thrush, a saltwater gargle may be what you need.


  • 1 cup of warm purified water
  • One-half teaspoon fine sea salt


Stir the salt into the water until it dissolves. Gargle a mouthful for a few seconds and then spit it out. The warm saline solution can soothe your sore mouth and throat, and it serves as a natural antiseptic against the condition.

salt water

2. Gargle a Baking Soda Solution

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is also among natural remedies for oral thrush that is inexpensive and likely sitting in your pantry. Like its culinary cousin salt, baking soda is a powerful disinfectant that can be used in oral care against infection.


  • 1 cup of warm purified water
  • One-half teaspoon baking soda


Add the baking soda to the water and keep stirring until it dissolves. Swish it around in your mouth for a few seconds, spit it out, and rinse your mouth again with some plain warm water. It can help the soreness and reduce inflammation.

3. Have Some Yummy Yogurt

You’ve probably heard about the benefits of the probiotics in yogurt. Eating a daily portion of fresh yogurt is a delicious way to provide millions of live cultures that balance the flora in your mouth and stops the overgrowth of Candida fungus. The good microbes in yogurt can fight the bad ones that cause oral thrush.

Just remember to eat plain yogurt, because the sweetener in flavored variety is a treat that Candida loves. The cool, soft dessert also calms the painful sores. You can also take probiotic supplements if you have a dairy-free diet.

4. Drink Fresh Lemon Juice

Are you already drinking lemon juice as part of a healthy diet regime? These yellow citrus fruits are a powerhouse of Vitamin C and other nutrients. When you see signs and symptoms of thrush, all you need for relief is a delightful glass of freshly squeezed lemon water.


  • 1 C. warm or cold purified water
  • 1 Small organic lemon, juiced


Squeeze fresh lemon juice into your water and stir well until the liquid dissolves. You may also add thin slices of lemon for an extra boost of healing power and flavor. Make lemon water throughout the day and sip on it to help your mouth and throat. Avoid putting undiluted lemon juice in your mouth because it may irritate the sore tissues.

5. Try Gentian Violet

For generations, this purple dye has been touted as an antifungal treatment for oral candidiasis and other skin problems caused by fungi. It is a man-made antiseptic discovered in the late 19th century and has been used ever since. Although you don’t need a script to buy gentian violet in the pharmacy, you should first discuss it with your primary healthcare provider.


Use cotton swabs to gently swab gentian violet on the sores in your mouth and gums. It will temporarily stain them a bright purple, and it can effectively kill the invading candidiasis. Gentian violet is usually safe for children and adults.


6. Drink Turmeric in Milk or Water

Have you read about the many health benefits of turmeric that’s been published around the world? Not only is it a beloved spice in global cuisines, but countless scientific studies demonstrate its usefulness as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It may help reduce the swelling and pain associated with oral candidiasis.

Turmeric can boost medicinal power when combined with a bit of black pepper, also a natural anti-inflammatory. Although these are usual spices found in curries and many other dishes, you can concentrate their benefits by drinking some in milk or water.


  • One-half teaspoon turmeric paste
  • One-Eighth teaspoon finely ground black pepper
  • 1 C. milk or purified water


In a small saucepan over low heat, add milk or water, and stir in turmeric paste and pepper. Stir the mixture until completely blended. Cook until just warm, but not too hot or boiling.

Sip your turmeric drink and swish it around in your mouth for optimal contact. If you are dairy-free, you can also use almond milk or other plant-based milk products. Enjoy your turmeric drink 2-3 times a day.

7. Try Cloves or Clove Essential Oil

When people back in the old days got a toothache or canker sore in their mouth, they’d often chew on a couple of cloves to relieve the pain. Studies have shown that clove oil is a powerful pain reliever and antiseptic, but it may also minimize or inhibit acidic foods and beverages from affecting your tooth enamel.

You can swab the Candidiasis sores in your mouth with a little clove essential oil, or you can take it in capsules as a dietary supplement. Whole cloves make a flavorful tea that can soothe your irritated mouth and throat. Cloves provide a pleasant numbing effect.


  • 1 Tsp. of whole cloves
  • 1 C. boiling purified water


Make a tea by steeping the cloves in hot water for 3-5 minutes, then strain. As you drink the tea, swish it around in your mouth to get any affected areas. Have a cup of clove tea 2-3 times a day or as directed by your healthcare provider.

8. Sip Some Oregano Oil Tea

Who would have thought that the same fragrant herb that stars in so many classic Mediterranean-style dishes would also have impressive antifungal and antimicrobial properties? This iconic herb is native to the Mediterranean regions and may reduce inflammation and fight infection in your body. If you use oregano essential oil, be careful to dilute it with water before ingesting or using it topically.


1 C. of warm purified water
2 Drops pure oregano essential oil


Mix the essential oregano oil into the water until it is well blended. Swish little sips in your mouth and spit it out. If you are pregnant or nursing or have sensitive skin. Medical experts advise that you don’t use essential oregano oil topically or internally, nor should children under the age of two.

9. Gargle with Apple Cider Vinegar

Our ancestors valued apple cider vinegar as a natural preservative, medicine, and organic cleaner. Today, modern science backs up many of these claims, and you will find countless articles about its benefits. Apple cider vinegar is a treasure trove of probiotics and is an antifungal that may kill the yeast responsible for oral candidiasis.


1 C. hot purified water
1 Tbsp. organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar


Mix the vinegar with the hot water and use it as a mouth rinse. You might also boost its healing effect by adding a teaspoon of raw honey and sipping it as a tea. Avoid sipping or gargling undiluted apple cider vinegar, because it can sting your sore mouth and can be hard on your tooth enamel.

10. Pump up the Ascorbic Acid

Since the discovery years ago that it prevented scurvy in English sailors, Vitamin C has been considered a champion of vitamins and nutrition. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is abundant in citrus fruit and many dark green leafy vegetables. Your immune system depends on it, and science proves that it is a potent antioxidant and fights infection effectively.

If your mouth and throat are infected with oral candidiasis, it’s time to build up your immune system with some Vitamin C. For a noticeable difference. Your healthcare provider may recommend up to 200 mg. of this vitamin daily. Enjoy it naturally in citrus fruits or take it in a liquid, tablet, or capsule supplement.

thrushFinal Thoughts on Beating a Case of Oral Thrush

Although oral thrush is a common problem, it can be itchy and painful as well as unsightly. Before you try these or any other natural remedy, consult your primary healthcare provider. If the infection lingers or is chronic, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

The post Doctors Reveal the Symptoms and Remedies for Oral Thrush appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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