~ Auto Buzz ~: 8 Times to Try Hypnotherapy Instead of Traditional Treatments

Sunday 9 August 2020

8 Times to Try Hypnotherapy Instead of Traditional Treatments

Did you know that you have natural resources within that can help you to make changes or fix out of control areas in your life? When you enter a trance-like state in hypnotherapy, you turn your thoughts inwards to tap into these resources. A hypnotherapist can help you to conquer the demons that hold you back.

When Should You Use Hypnosis?

There are many different types of therapy, and hypnosis is considered an adjunct form that is used in combination with other styles. It can treat obsessions, impulse control issues, relationship problems, and can even aid in pain management. It’s also been used by the medical community to help with gastrointestinal disorders, skin issues, and learning syndromes.

You should consider this alternative therapy if you’ve tried and failed with other varieties. Keep in mind that everything won’t be fixed with the wave of a wand, but with a few sessions, you are likely to notice a sizable difference in your problem.

What to Expect in Hypnotherapy?

There are many different techniques that a hypnotherapist can use to put you into a trance-like state. For starters, everything is done in a therapeutic environment where the calm and serene nature is beneficial to help you enter an altered level of consciousness.

Once you have tapped into the focused zone, you will be asked to talk about experiences that have happened to you that are troublesome. You usually identify these issues with the therapist before you begin. It would help if you didn’t let Hollywood’s version of hypnosis sway your thoughts.

No reputable hypnotist is going to have you clucking like a chicken or doing other silly acts. This is a therapy form and nothing that belongs in a circus. You won’t be in an unconscious sleep where you lose all self-control. At all times, you will remain in full control of your actions.

You will be given several suggestions and things to do to help you conquer whatever problem you’re facing, but you have a decision whether you act on these suggestions or not.

How Does Hypnosis Work?


How many sessions you need will depend on the level of your problem. Someone who has fought angst for twenty years is probably not going to be magically cured in one session. Your practitioner will decide how many courses he or she thinks you need.

When selecting a hypnotherapist, you need to make sure you find an individual affiliated with the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Since you are opening your mind to an altered state, you don’t want just anyone putting suggestions into your psyche. You want someone who is fully trained to do this type of therapy.

To be a hypnotherapist, an individual must hold a doctorate level degree in the medical field, plus they must take hours of training to receive their practitioner’s license. Like doctors, these practitioners all have different bedside manners, so it’s essential to find a person you feel you can work with to heal these areas of your life. Qualifications are only one part of finding a hypnotherapist; the other part is a good rapport with you.

When To Use Hypnotherapy Over Traditional Medicine?

The medical community has something for every ache and pain you have. However, these methods don’t always work. Sometimes, medication just masks the problem and provides a bandage. The minute you stop taking the prescriptions, your issue acerbates.

Thankfully, there are a few times when you should try alternative measures before you go to traditional treatments. Here are eight of those instances.

1. Weight Loss

According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 71 percent of Americans are overweight or obese. Those numbers are staggering, considering the health problems that come along with the excess pounds. The diet industry is booming with products and promises to fix it all with a shake or protein bar.

However, it takes more than a meal replacement to help you lose weight. You need to change your mindset. Hypnotherapy gives you the ability to get to the root of the problem. You may be overeating to self-medicate for issues from your childhood.

Through guided hypnosis, you can channel your innermost parts where healing and restoration take place.

2. Better Sleep

One hundred things can cause insomnia, and it can last for days or weeks. When you don’t have enough sleep, your body cannot function properly. When you undergo hypnosis, you are tackling the issues that keep you up at night.

Insomnia is caused by nervousness, hopelessness, stress, thyroid problems, the foods you eat, your lifestyle, and chronic pain. Hypnotherapy helps to fix those things, which in return helps you to get more rest.

3. Anxiety

Do you lie awake at night, rolling over events and things beyond your control? Are you worried about bills, relationships, and how to make it through another day? Chronic angst is a mental illness that affects more than 40 million adults in the United States.

When you’re in a constant state of angst, your cortisol and adrenaline levels in your body are high. Being in continuous turmoil can take a real toll on your health. While you can reach for the medications your doctor wants to prescribe that are habit-forming or have many side effects, you can also use hypnotherapy to conquer these problems.

beat anxiety

4. Depression

Depression and anxiety often co-occur. While chronic sadness is a severe mental health concern, it can be treated. Some blues are circumstantial and not caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

You have the power to take control of the circumstances that are bringing you down, and hypnosis is the tool to do it.

5. Overcoming Grief

Grief comes in all shapes and sizes. It can stem from the loss of a loved one, or it can be caused by personal turmoil. There is no easy way to get over the situations that have you oppressed, but there are things that can make it better.

When you tap into your innermost being, you can rejuvenate parts of your mind that are affected by trauma. While the situation that caused you to feel hurt and despair won’t go away, you will be able to better deal with it.

6. Conquering Phobias

Do you have a phobia of something that you would like to conquer? Are you afraid of the dark, spiders, snakes, or getting behind the wheel? Fears can escalate and get out of control without rhyme or reason.

You may find that some silly things bring you significant discomfort, usually tied to childhood trauma or other events. For instance, a person who is afraid to get behind the wheel of a car may be petrified because of a car accident.

They may have flashbacks of the event that leave them paralyzed in panic. Hypnotherapy is just what you need to put fear in its place. The power can control these irrational sensations from within.

7. Nail Biting

Nail-biting is a horrible habit that is caused by nervousness. It’s all part of a disorder called dermatophagia, which is a body-focused repetitive behavior. While biting your nails may be one problem, you can chew on your tongue, bit your cheek, eat the skin around your fingers, and exhibit other repetitive behaviors.

While CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a hallmark treatment for this condition, it can be added to hypnotherapy. These repetitive behaviors often respond very well to guided hypnosis.

8. Smoking Cessation

Smoking is a significant problem in this country. Even with all the awareness of lung cancer and other breathing problems, people still can’t give up the nicotine. Vaping was considered a viable option, but then it too came with difficulties. If you find yourself lighting up throughout the day, then you need to stop.

Perhaps, you’ve already tried gum, patches, antidepressants, and other treatments to no avail. Now, it’s time for you to tap into that inner power to quit this dangerous habit. A study was conducted on 19 participants who smoked at least ten cigarettes per day.

Within just a few sessions, more than half of the subjects stop smoking. Thankfully, six months after the study had concluded, one-third of the participants still hadn’t picked up the habit. Hypnosis is an excellent tool to help you get rid of bad habits and learn how to live a positive life without dependency.

hypnotherapyFinal Thoughts on Giving Hypnotherapy a Try When Traditional Medicine Fails

Hypnotherapy has been around for more than 5,000 years. It’s been proven time and again to be a substantial help to those who want to live a better life free of fears, sadness, and other problems. You have the power to change your circumstances; you just need someone to guide you to unleash this inner strength.

There are many other alternative therapies that you can add to hypnosis, such as needling, cupping, and acupuncture. Isn’t it time to try natural remedies first?

The post 8 Times to Try Hypnotherapy Instead of Traditional Treatments appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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