~ Auto Buzz ~: Psychologist Reveals How Thinking Positive Reduces Anxiety

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Psychologist Reveals How Thinking Positive Reduces Anxiety

Anxiety and worry are typical by-products of everyday human life. Regardless of whether you are preparing for an interview or a romantic date with a long-term crush, we all have significant concerns about the outcomes. While the fearful feeling may be scary, psychologists reveal that this type of worry has a positive side to it. But how?

A good example is that of a gentleman worrying about an upcoming date. Positive outcomes such as the situation encouraging you to buy a new outfit to impress your potential new partner may help you reduce the anxiety regardless of the result. Through thinking positive, you will manage to put things under control and reduce your anxiety levels. In this piece, we have compiled various ways in which we can alleviate anxiety through thinking positive.

Understanding the real concept in “thinking positive.”

thinking positive

It’s okay to be sad for a while. It’s okay to show your emotions. Positive thinking doesn’t entail on burying your head in the sand and ignoring the negative situations in your life. As a human being, you are bound to encounter both good and bad circumstances in your life.

Positive thinking allows you to accept the unpleasant situations in your life and approach them more productively and positively. Always tame your mind to see the best in cases and never the worst. Slowly build an attitude that allows you to accept the reality but not accept defeat.

Comprehending anxiety

As human beings, we deal with so much anxiety, mainly emanating from wanting to live up to your expectations and life goals. Understanding anxiety and its causes might help you build a better and more positive mindset. Naturally, we all have a negativity bias that enables us to detect danger and alert us of impending danger.

According to psychologists, being fearful and anxious are fundamental tools to your survival. Nonetheless, higher scales of anxiety are triggered continuously by the pressure and tension in modern ways of life. When this happens, the brain releases cortisol, commonly referred to as the stress hormone, which leaves you in a feeble state of flight or fight.

Eventually, after a constant re-occurrence of the repeated pattern, it becomes automatic, and the doctor may diagnose you with anxiety disorders.

7 Things to remember for thinking positive and reducing your anxiety

1 – Self-talk sessions are important

Self-talk revolves around the involvement of your subconscious mind. Little known to a majority of individuals, your subconscious mind is susceptible on the low side, but it’s equally compelling on the upper scale. It all depends on how you control your mind: you may decide to have total control over your anxiety or forever remain fearful.

You are probably going to go with the former. It’s vital that you acquire the skills to communicate with your subconscious mind effectively. You are probably wondering how to ace this perfectly without doing any detrimental damage to the brain.

Psychologists encourage you to think of your subconscious mind as the kid and the conscious mind as the guardian. Ask yourself, “How can I raise a more loving child?” Naturally, individuals want to be kind and understanding parents whom their kids can always come to in times of trouble.

You will be on the right track to thinking positive if you treat your subconscious mind with positive and understanding thoughts. A part of all human beings is good and kind. Highlighting your positive side doesn’t involve changing who you are but instead finding and enhancing your better self. Program your subconscious mind to concentrate on compassion and care instead of the fear that fuels anxiety.


2 – Redefine personal self-concepts

It’s remarkable how you define your life and describe yourself. The way you think about yourself and tell your story has an enormous impact on how you deal with life and its anxieties. Take a moment to reflect on what you would answer if someone asked you to describe yourself, your achievements, and your story.

If you struggle to answer this question frankly and positively, then you have some redefining to do. Easier said than done, right? Here’s how you apply a positive self-concept in your life, personality, and routines to alleviate anxiety.

  • Visualize your life, feelings, personality, and behavior.
  • Set the good from the bad and maximize the good.
  • Acknowledge that the unpleasant events in your life as mistakes and lessons that you could use as learning tools.

You will realize how easy it is to forgive yourself, rise, and get rid of anxiety one you have a clear and positive self-concept.

3 – Stop thinking negatively

As discussed earlier, whatever you feed your subconscious mind, it will supply you back with it. As the adage warns us, “Garbage in, garbage out.”

It’s not any different from this. Negative thinking never did anyone any good.

Not only is negative thinking a backward habit that triggers anxiety, worry, and fear. Negative self-talk is also distracting–and we might not even be aware of it. You must break the chains and habits of self-criticism and negative self-concepts to deal with anxiety effectively.

Have you ever noticed how your body reacts after telling yourself that you are frustrated, worried, fed up, and stressed? You begin to drain yourself the love and energy that you need to keep going on. Does this narration sound familiar?

By watching your thoughts, you start to learn how your mind affects your soul, emotions, body, inner self, and, eventually, your behavior. Quit thinking negatively, start thinking positive, and stand a chance to see the kind of transformations you are about to enjoy.

4 – Believe in success

People often define a person according to their success in a career, family, relationship, and individual progress. While it’s a valid parameter that goes out to gauge mental health, personal success has a lot to do with thinking positive while alleviating anxiety. What makes you successful in whichever way described?

It’s simple: once you believe in yourself and manage your worries, you can achieve anything you desire. You cannot chase success if you have fear, low self-confidence, and a long list of concerns. You have to start somewhere.

Firstly, acknowledge that you can succeed. Start thinking about how to get there rather than the reasons why you can’t get there. Unrealized dreams always lead to a bitter life full of worry and low self-esteem.

pop meme5 – Unburden yourself

Scientists believe that carrying a lot of burden from your past could also lead to depressive and stress episodes. You might want to let go of any perceived pain and hurt from your past that keeps preventing you from living a stress-free, safe, and secure life. Take charge of your life and be responsible for what you feel towards yourself and others.

The complete realization that you are responsible for your well-being is a fundamental step towards reducing anxiety. Have a stable relationship with yourself to create a conducive environment that doesn’t condone anxiety and worry.

6 – Be happy regardless

Everyone wants to be joyous and happy despite facing specific challenges in life occasionally. True happiness gauges your ability to return to a state of being unconsciously happy. This power makes it easier for you to believe in your ability to think positively, especially during difficult times.

As discussed above, you will always have full control over the choice you make when responding to various situations. To know that whatever happens, good or bad, will not change your state of happiness is an intense form of liberation. If you practice this, you may begin to feel calmer and more positive in times of a storm, which is a commendable change from how you would previously react.

7 – Learn to be a self-compassionate person

Cultivating compassion helps in reducing anxiety and fear by re-framing the way we view the world. Learn to see the world from a different perspective in which many events will happen, both good and bad. However, learn to avoid attaching your emotional self to an assumed negative outcome of an event.

For instance, you worry that your date is going to go well. You know it’s a 50-50 shot. Do not decide ahead that it will be a failed attempt at dating. If it does end up in a disaster, be compassionate to yourself. Remind yourself that you prepared well for the evening, chalk it up to a learning experience, and leave the venue a satisfied individual.

Self-compassion helps you see the world from different angles and cushions you from falling too hard.

Also, compassion for yourself and others allows you to accept suffering and a shorter way to move on from the unpleasant events. It may seem a little hard, but when you are compassionate to those who may have harmed you, you untie yourself from the pain and suffering. It also helps them see your positive side, which prompts them not to repeat similar mistakes shielding you from future harm. You are likely to handle things better if you don’t retain your regrets.

thinking positiveFinal thoughts on thinking positive to reduce anxiety

Generally, your outlook and attitude on yourself and your life highly determine how you manage anxiety and your mental well-being. Teaching yourself how to think and reason positively will eventually help you handle stressful situations in the best possible ways. We hope that this piece will guide you.

The post Psychologist Reveals How Thinking Positive Reduces Anxiety appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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