~ Auto Buzz ~: 10 Ways to Use Lavender to Relieve Chronic Anxiety

Thursday 23 July 2020

10 Ways to Use Lavender to Relieve Chronic Anxiety

Since early humans discovered the healing properties of essential oils from herbs and plants, we have benefited from their discovery. Perhaps, one of the most precious essential oils comes from the stunning lavender plant, also known as Lavandula. Its iconic scent is used in everything from perfumes and toiletries to cleaning products.

Lavender: A Scent from the Past

Ancient cultures also touted Lavandula as a powerful medicine before microbes were even discovered. Modern scientific studies have shown that lavender is an impressive antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, and antimicrobial. Essential Lavandula oil has healing properties for cuts, scrapes, burns, and bruises.

Not only is this oil and excellent topical medicine, but its mesmerizing scent can naturally soothe panic and anxiety. It’s believed that the natural chemicals in Lavandula oil affect parts of the brain that controls well-being. It has also been shown in countless studies to induce sleep while it soothes frazzled nerves.

Have you been diagnosed with an anxiety or panic disorder? These common mental illnesses can be completely debilitating if left untreated. However, medical experts say that anxiety disorders are some of the most treatable of all mental illnesses.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a natural ally to pair with your medical and therapeutic treatment for anxiety? Lavandula is one of the best on the list of essential oils that many have reported helped reduce their symptoms. It’s worth discussing with your mental health professional.

How to Purchase & Store Essential Lavandula Oil


You can find pure Lavandula oil anywhere that sells essential oils. Be sure to purchase one that is 100 percent pure cold-pressed lavender, no fillers, or artificial ingredients. If you plan to dilute the oil to use on your skin, make sure that you purchase a brand that says food-safe quality.

Although Lavandula oil is a natural product, it’s not for everyone. Some people may have an allergic reaction to it if used topically or inhaled as aromatherapy. If you are allergic to Lavandula or notice any responses to your skin or breathing, discontinue use immediately and see your professional healthcare provider.

It’s easy to find quality essential oils in health food stores or online at a price that fits most any budget. While Lavandula oil has a long shelf life, you should replace it if you notice the scent is weak or musty. To preserve your essential oil, store it in a dark glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

Calming Anxiety & Panic with Lavender Oil

Are you considering using essential Lavandula oil to help ease your anxiety and panic? There are several ways you can enjoy its benefits. Here are ten creative ways to use Lavandula oil for anxiety issues:

1. Keep a Vial in Your Purse or Pocket

One of the worst characteristics of anxiety and panic is that you don’t know when it’s going to strike. You can be in a great mood all day and suddenly be enveloped in anxious feelings or a panic attack. How can you level your heightened emotions during this mental ambush?

Consider keeping a vial of pure lavender oil in your pocket or purse for whenever you need it. Before your anxiety gets out of control, open the vile, and inhale the soothing herbal scent. It can bring the calm you need when you are on the go.

2. Use a Diffuser

For a sense of peace and serenity throughout your home, many herbalists recommend diffusing essential oils with an electric diffuser. You might also consider a tea light diffuser that uses a small candle. Both use low heat to gradually warm the essential oil and water mixture.

As the mixture heats, the water vaporizes and carries the scent of the oil throughout your home. Diffusers and tea lights provide subtle aroma throughout your house or office. You can find them at a price for just about any budget, and they are available in most department stores and online.

3. Make an Oil-Infused Spray

Most air freshener sprays are loaded with chemicals and artificial scents that are potentially hazardous to you, your family, and your pets. Their exhilarating, overwhelming smells may make you feel more anxious rather than calm you. When you make homemade spray infused with essential oils like lavender, you control the ingredients.

Try these simple DIY spray to freshen your bed linen or the air in any room.


·3 tablespoons vodka or witch hazel
·1 cup purified water
·25-30 drops of essential oil


Mix ingredients in a spray bottle, seal, and shake well. Use your homemade herbal spray whenever you need to quell anxiety and relax or sleep.

4. Take a Bath

Do you want the peace and tranquility of a day spa without spending a fortune? Why not pamper yourself in a luxurious bubble bath at home? To set the mood, light candles, play some soothing music, and soak in a warm bath infused with homemade lavender bath salts.


·1 cup Epsom salts
·20 drops of pure essential lavender oil
·1 small bunch dried Lavendula blossoms, optional


In a small bowl, add salts, essential oil, and blossoms. Stir gently to combine and store in a sealed glass container. To use, add ¼ cup of salts to running bath water and soak your troubles away.

5. Make a Roll-On Vial

Ancient apothecaries blended essential oils, flowers, herbs, and spices to create the world’s first perfumes. Because pure essential oils can irritate your skin, herbalists always recommend that you dilute them with a neutral carrier oil first, like sweet almond oil. Lavandula oil is an ideal scent you can use in a DIY roll-on vial.


·10 milliliter glass roll-on bottle
·Sweet almond oil
·10-20 drops Lavandula oil


Use a small funnel to fill the glass bottle almost to the top. Add Lavandula oil, replace the roll-on lid, gently shake, and allow it to sit for about an hour. Gently rub the oil on your wrists as a perfume or when you are feeling anxious.

6. Homemade Lavandula Sachets

During the Victorian Era, ladies often sewed cute little pillows, called sachets, that were stuffed with aromatics. Sometimes, they would use dried herbs or their favorite essential oils. They used these sachets to add a sweet scent to their stored clothing or their bed linens.

Lavandula was often the essential oil of choice since it soothes anxious nerves and repels nasty bugs. Why not follow a venerable tradition and make a few Lavandula sachets for your house? They are easy to make and are the perfect gift for friends and loved ones.


·Colorful fabric scraps
·Needle & coordinating thread
·Uncooked rice
·Essential Lavandula oil
·A few yards of narrow ribbon or twine


Fold a rectangular piece of fabric inside out to create a little pouch. Sew around the sides, leaving the top open. Fill each sachet with rice and add 10-15 drops of essential oil, and tie tops with ribbon.

Hang your sachets in clothes closets, with linens, or place under your pillows for a restful night’s sleep. The gentle smell can ease anxiety and panic and give your clothes a refreshing scent. When the sachets no longer smell, replace rice, and add more oil.

lavender helps anxiety

7. Sugary Sweet Facial Scrub

Did you know that essential lavender oil is a natural antiseptic that’s good for your skin? Plus, the refreshing scent can calm your nerves. The sugar provides a gentle exfoliant that rubs away dead skin cells leaving your complexion glowing and rejuvenated.


·1 cup sugar
·1/4 cup sweet almond oil
·10 – 20 drops Lavendula


In a small bowl, mix ingredients until well combined and spoon into a sealed glass jar. To use, rub a generous amount of scrub on your forehead, cheeks, and chin, avoiding your eyes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

8. Soften Your Clothes

Do you want to soften your clothes naturally with a refreshing scent? Add 5-10 drops of essential Lavandula oil to a damp washcloth and place it into the dryer with your wet clothes. You’ll notice less static cling, and your clothes will smell heavenly.

9. Ease Symptoms of a Cold

Not being able to rest because of coughing and sneezing can raise your anxiety levels considerably. Keep a roll-on bottle of Lavandula oil close to your bedside at night, especially if you have a cold or allergy problems. Roll a little on the soles of your feet, under your nose, and under your chin for some welcome relief.

10. Reduce the Pain of Bug Bites & Stings

When you have problems with anxiety and panic, the last thing you want is to battle scratchy bug bites. If mosquitoes and other pests decide to leave a bite or sting, all you need is dab a little diluted Lavandula oil on the sores. It can calm the burning and itching and prevent infection, allowing you to calm your mind.

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Final Thoughts on Using Lavender to Fight Feelings of Anxiety and Stress

No wonder ancient people praised essential oils for their many benefits, like calming anxiety and panic. Its light perfume is instantly recognizable and can be mixed with complementary essential oils for unique blends. You’ll love the scent and will appreciate how it calms your nerves.

The post 10 Ways to Use Lavender to Relieve Chronic Anxiety appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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