~ Auto Buzz ~: Readers Rides: 2005 Honda Ultra Naked Hyper Standard Racing Tribute Cruising Tourer Rally Raid Family Ruckster

Saturday 27 June 2020

Readers Rides: 2005 Honda Ultra Naked Hyper Standard Racing Tribute Cruising Tourer Rally Raid Family Ruckster

We’re not entirely sure this… thing deserves ALL of the adjectives included in its (newly) given name, but hey, we’re into the weird stuff. From George The Parts Guy:

honda ruckus

Here is a shot of my 2005 Honda Ultra Naked Hyper Standard Racing Tribute Cruising Tourer Rally Raid Family Ruckster. Sure, it started out as a 2005 Honda Big Ruckus, but in my care, it has morphed into a unique (if not oddly humorous and ugly) Battle Scooter. The removal of over a dozen plastic panels in a quest to do a deep clean revealed the bones of a beast! No sense putting the plastic back on as I decided the look was what this bike deserved all along and the added performance from the reduction of several pounds of plastic did not hurt the appeal of this bike at all. Also, after uncorking the ultimate sportiness of the Ruckus, it is now labeled with the valued “Type R” moniker! How can anyone not love a scooter that takes tires with ZIPPY printed on the sidewalls. Both my wife and my grandson have ridden on the back and neither wanted a second ride!


George the Parts Guy

We’re suckers for nice photos and descriptive words and reasonably decent pics of your favorite motorcycle, or maybe just your most memorable one for all the wrong reasons? Send yours to contact@motorcycle.com, title it “Readers’ Rides,” and see yourself in this spot one of these weeks.

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The post Reader’s Rides: 2005 Honda Ultra Naked Hyper Standard Racing Tribute Cruising Tourer Rally Raid Family Ruckster appeared first on Motorcycle.com.

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