Many causes can trigger alopecia or female pattern hair loss. Thankfully, multiple natural beauty hacks can treat this condition. But you don’t need to sit around and wait for your treatments to take hold. Try these at-home beauty hacks to boost your morale and feel better, sooner
What is Alopecia?
Alopecia is a form of premature balding, where a person loses all their hair due to an underlying problem that can be genetic or from some disease. In the case of hereditary balding, it is an inherited disorder. Another common reason for female balding is a scalp disorder, where there is a restriction in the growth of hair on the head. Sometimes, scalp disorders can cause hair loss or hair thinning.
However, you may also find alopecia in younger women as well–as in puberty, even.
If you’re suffering from alopecia, don’t despair, we’ve compiled a list of 12 natural beauty hacks, for not only treating your hair-loss disorder but also remedying hairless at its source.

12 Natural Beauty Hacks for treating Alopecia
Try these natural beauty hacks to see improvement.
1. Eat for your hair’s health
Eating for hair health is an essential component of your health routine; this is because it can help to reduce the signs of aging and promote healthier, shinier hair.
The problem is that, although most people are aware of the importance of consuming sufficient amounts of iron, zinc, and vitamin B6, they aren’t aware of what foods for hair growth contain those nutrients. However, a growing body of research has focused on the role of foods for hair growth in promoting healthy, healthy hair. Read on to discover some foods for hair growth that could improve your health.
2. Get rid of habits that foster alopecia
Stop the poor habits that cause hair loss. For those of you who are in the process of losing your hair, it’s essential to recognize that you’re not alone. One report estimates that approximately thirty million females in America experience female pattern hair loss.
Although they might be unaware of it, when it comes to hair loss, bad habits are a significant concern. Preventing the practices that lead to and can worsen hair loss is the best thing you can do for your well being. Below are some methods to ditch to remedy hair loss:
- Over-processing hair
- Overusing heating tools
- Keeping hair pulled back
- Using holding and gel styling products
- Smoking cigarettes
- Wearing wigs daily

3. Exercise to unclog hair pores
Exercising is one of the best methods for unclogging hair follicles and scalp pores. It’s an easy bet that exercises that not only help you lose weight but also improves your health. One of the most popular workout programs is aerobics. Aerobics helps in enhancing your lungs and improves circulation in your body. All these factors will help you unclog your skin’s pores (including on the scalp) and stop the formation of toxins.
However, don’t overdo exercise. In a cruel twist of science, multiple studies show that over-exercising can trigger bodily responses that can increase the rate of lost hair.
4. Supplement lost or lacking nutrients with vitamins
Supplementing lost or lacking nutrients with necessary vitamins for treating Hair-loss disorders can be a practical approach to dealing with this problem. If you are taking supplements, you should consider including the antioxidant protection from vitamin E to your supplement regimen, which is essential.
Besides, you can increase the vitamins in your diet by including more citrus fruits in your daily diet. The use of vitamin supplements for hair loss disorders can also help to control and prevent more severe symptoms of hair loss.

5. Aloe vera hair masks
Aloe Vera, as a hair mask for hair loss treatment, has been trusted by women for hundreds of years. It reputed among the oldest natural remedies for baldness. It contains a substance that is the source of vitamins, minerals, and alkaloids, which are necessary for the growth of hair.
While Aloe Vera does not help you regrow hair, it adds vital moisture to keep your strands robust.
Research on this topic supports the notion that aloe vera might help reduce alopecia. However, scientists are still checking into the validity of this claim. Their current stance? It is safe to apply to the scalp and won’t hurt you to try.
6. Onion hair rinse
Many women with beautiful hair are aware of the healthy hair benefits onion provides. Onion rinses bald remedy bald patches, extensive thinning, and hair loss symptoms. This outcome happens because the onion is full of sulfur, which supports and is a building block for hair growth. This rinse is simple to create. The ingredients are as follows:
- Boiled onion juice
- Carrier oil such as olive oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, or whichever oil of your preference.
- Mild shampoo
Instructions: Mix ingredients and massage into the scalp. Leave in hair covered for a minimum of 2 hours. Rinse thoroughly and style as usual.
Research conducted in 2002 confirmed hair regrowth in about 87% of study participants after six weeks of application.
7. Coconut oil scalp massage
The combination of coconut oil with essential oils like lavender, rosemary, cedarwood, and the rest forms a beautiful mixture that is both calming and stimulating. An effective remedy for hair loss is an effective remedy for scalp disorders as well. That’s because if the scalp is well nourished and cleansed, then the hair growth will accelerate and will grow faster than usual. Coconut oil is an age-old beloved by many people.
It proves to protect your hair from further damage by stopping protein loss in the hair strands, according to research.
8. Egg protein hair mask
An egg is an excellent protein treatment against thinning hair and bald patches. Applying egg to the scalp and hair to the ends will strengthen and feed your hair for natural growth. Mixing the egg with honey or essential oils enhances the treatment and helps with the smell of eggs. This mask should saturate the hair for 2 hours, and rinse with a mild shampoo.
In a study on sheep, eggs helped stimulate hair follicles and encourage growth. While no research focused on humans, science deems this DIY safe to try at home.
9. Apple cider vinegar rinse
Incorporating an apple cider vinegar rinsing into your daily hair regimen helps keep your scalp sound by warding off microscopic organisms and maintaining an appropriate pH level. Apple cider vinegar delicately exfoliates the skin on your scalp. Thus, it will advance hair growth over time.
Additionally, apple cider vinegar may help forestall balding and create an environment conducive to new hair development.
10. Chia and flaxseed rinse
On the stove, in a pot, heat chia seeds in 1 cup of purified or spring water on medium warmth until it thickens into a gel-like blend. Strain out the chia seeds and mix in 1 tablespoon of aloe vera.
The wealth of Omega 3-fatty acids, supplements found in flax and chia seeds, fortify hair, remedy bald patches, lock in much-needed moisture, and forestall breakage.
11. Avoid heat styling tools
Heat can cause stress to hair follicles and cause extreme damage. Avoiding heat while healing your hair and scalp is essential to retain healthy hair growth and to promote healthy hair development. Instead of using heat tools, try stretching your hair with braiding or string stretching methods.
12. Wear sleep protection
The best way to protect and heal your hair is to protect it while you sleep. Using bonnets and other silk material hair wraps can minimize breakage during sleep. Silk and satin pillowcases are also great for protecting your locks while you rest.
Final Thoughts: Try these alopecia natural beauty hacks
Women who face a daily struggle with alopecia express a myriad of emotions. These feelings run the gamut over the embarrassment of the situation to an urge to cover it up to anger directed at the Universe over their hair loss.
Those feelings are normal and not uncommon. Indeed, studies prove that hair loss creates adverse impacts on the quality of life for women who have this condition.
Know that you are a complete woman, with or without your hair. Love yourself. Find an alopecia support group to meet others with the same struggle.
But most importantly, take care of yourself, and don’t let anyone make you feel anything less than beautiful. Your beauty radiates from within.
Add these natural beauty hacks to your self-care routine. Be patient, as they might take weeks before you start to see results and improvement in your alopecia.
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