~ Auto Buzz ~: 20 Healthy Snack Ideas When You’re on a Low Fat Diet

Friday 28 February 2020

20 Healthy Snack Ideas When You’re on a Low Fat Diet

Do you need fresh healthy snack ideas to stick with your otherwise hum-drum low fat diet?

Low-fat diets lessen the risk of heart disease and obesity, and they help with quick weight loss. Finding healthy snack ideas for this type of food is essential, so you don’t find yourself breaking the diet or missing out on vital nutrients to follow it.

While it is not possible or healthy to eliminate fats from your diet, it is vital to put the right kinds of fats in your body. There are a couple of different types of fats, and one is better than the rest (discussed in-depth below).

While you may initially believe that you have to give up eating all delicious foods when going on a low-fat diet, that is far from the truth. There are many healthy snacks ideas for when you are on a low-fat diet, and there is a large variety of healthy snacks to choose from.

The Different Types of Fats

There are three different types of fats, including saturated fats, trans fats, and unsaturated fats. The unsaturated fats are further categorized as monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Saturated Fats

These fats come from animal products, including dairy and meat. Too much of these fats can increase the chance of heart disease as they raise the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body. LDL cholesterol is considered a wrong type of fat, and it is recommended that it is less than 7% of your daily intake.

Trans Fats

Found in margarine, shortening, and sweet snacks such as cookies, cakes, potato chips, and other snacks, trans fats are created by changing liquid oils into solid fats. These fats can raise your cholesterol levels and are often used to increase the shelf life of food. Doctors recommend avoiding this type of fat altogether.

Unsaturated Fats

These come from plants and include olive oil, corn oil, and canola oil. Unsaturated fats are considered to be good fats, and the majority of your daily fat intake should be from this category.


This type of unsaturated fat has a molecular structure that has only one double bond, allowing it to help with maintaining cellular health. They can help lower cholesterol, which lessens the chance of heart disease and stroke. Some of the common foods that belong in this category include:

  • olive oil
  • sesame oil
  • canola oil
  • peanut butter
  • peanuts
  • cashews
  • avocados
  • olives
  • sesame seeds


This type of saturated fat has multiple double bonds in the molecular structure. These can also help lower cholesterol, and they also contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids aid in brain function and cellular growth, making them an essential part of your diet.

Other benefits of polyunsaturated fats include their ability to lower lipid levels and triglycerides. Some of the common foods that belong in this category include:

  • seeds
  • corn oil
  • safflower oil
  • soybean oil
  • pine nuts
  • walnuts
  • salmon
  • mackerel
  • herring
  • tuna
  • flax seeds
  • chia seeds
foods for better mood
Try these 10 foods that could help stabilize mood swings.

Healthy Snacks For a Low Fat Diet

1. Low-fat cheese

String cheese is a good option, as it can take more time to eat, helping you to eat less of it at a time. When you take more time, you’re less likely to choose another snack afterward. Any low-fat cheese, however, is a tasty snack.

2. Low-fat yogurt

Yogurt can be topped with fruits, dry cereal, and many other low-fat options. This makes it a snack option that you can switch up when you are craving different flavors or textures.

3. Low-fat ice cream

Even when you are looking for healthy snack ideas, you still need to indulge in a treat once in a while. Low-fat ice cream is the perfect option because you can even choose from many of your favorite flavors.

4. Fruit

Fresh fruit is always a good option for a low-fat diet. With natural sugar, fruit can even double as a treat. Some of the options include:

  • raspberries
  • strawberries
  • blackberries
  • blueberries
  • cantaloupe
  • watermelon
  • mango
  • pineapple
  • apples
  • banana
  • tomatoes
  • grapes

healthy snack

5. Vegetables

If you dip your veggies in a healthy dip such as hummus, it’s an even better snack. Some of the vegetables that are easy to snack on during a low-fat diet include:

  • cucumbers
  • peppers
  • carrots
  • snap peas
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • celery

6. Baked Potato

You don’t have to have just a plain baked potato as a healthy low-fat snack option. Instead, you can top it with low-fat sour cream or yogurt with salt and pepper.

7. Sugar-free gelatin

If you choose sugar-free gelatin, you can enjoy this sweet treat regularly. It’s fat-free, and you can choose different flavors.

8. Smoothies

You can add fruits and vegetables to smoothies, making them a good choice of a healthy snack for a low-fat diet. The best liquids to add include juice, yogurt, ice, or water. Smoothies are a delicious option any time of the day and, if done correctly, can double as an entire meal.

pineapple ginger smoothie

9. Energy bars

You will have to be careful when it comes to energy bars because some of them are loaded with additives and high amounts of sugar. Read the nutrition label and choose one that is within your target goal, and it’ll be a perfect option to carry in your car or purse for a quick, healthy snack.

10. Pudding

Like jello, if you choose the sugar-free pudding, you can indulge in this creamy treat. You can also choose from different flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, and tapioca.

11. Hard-boiled eggs

Eggs are low in fat, and the fat that they do have is healthy. If you cook your eggs in oil or butter, however, the low-fat idea no longer applies. To avoid this, hard boil your eggs and eat them as a healthy snack.

12. Tuna fish

This pantry staple can be a healthy, low-fat snack if you spread it on whole-grain bread or even if you eat it alone. Another idea is to spread it onto a large lettuce leaf and roll it up before eating it.

13. Baked pumpkin seeds

These seeds are a good option because they are low in fat and can be customized to your tastes or craving. They’ll always taste different based on what they were seasoned with.

One excellent way to bake pumpkin seeds is to drizzle them with olive oil and sprinkle cinnamon over the top of them. You would then bake them for 45 minutes at 300 °F.

14. Popcorn

Not only is popcorn low in fat, but it is also high in fiber, making it an extra healthy snack to enjoy. Make sure you still check the nutrition label because since some have more butter than others, the nutrition information will be different for all.

Alternatively, plug in an air-popper and munch on an even more healthy snack.

15. Whole Grain Bagel

Make sure the bagel is small, and then top it with low-fat cream cheese or peanut butter. Sometimes, for a small treat, you can add jam to the bagel.

16. Cereal with no milk

If you’re feeling like you need a quick and easy snack, snack on a low-fat cereal but don’t add milk. You can munch on it in the car, at work, or while watching a movie. Make sure you read the label to choose an option that is within your diet guidelines.

17. Pita and hummus

Whole-grain pita is a low-fat snack that is tasty by itself but even better when paired with hummus.

18. Quesadillas made from whole-grain tortillas

Make sure you also use low-fat cheese in your quesadilla. This snack can be made ahead of time, cut, and stored to heat up later. Making them ahead of time gives you the option to only eat a piece or two at a time as a healthy snack.

19. Cottage cheese

This is a good snack to pair with fruit. Lots of times, cottage cheese is topped with peaches, but you can eat whichever fruit you prefer. Of course, you can also just have the cottage cheese by itself.

20. Frozen grapes

While the fruit was mentioned already, frozen grapes deserve to be pointed out specifically. When frozen, grapes have a texture similar to ice cream, and you’ll likely eat them more slowly than you’d eat regular grapes. This makes them the perfect treat for when you want something healthy to much on for a while.

healthy snack ideasFinal Thoughts On Healthy Snack Ideas When You’re on a Low Fat Diet

Being on a low-fat diet doesn’t have to leave you with limited healthy snack options. Many of the snacks are packed full of nutrients, too, adding to the benefits.

From quick and filling snacks to snacks that will last throughout a movie or favorite TV show, you can find something delicious and healthy.

The post 20 Healthy Snack Ideas When You’re on a Low Fat Diet appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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