~ Auto Buzz ~: 6 Ways To Enhance Your Capabilities

Wednesday 15 January 2020

6 Ways To Enhance Your Capabilities

Your skills need to be enhanced regularly. If you’re chasing success, you need to be continually learning and growing. But if you feel like you’re already at the top of your game, what else can you do with your unique capabilities?

The truth is that no one ever really needs to stop learning. You can always improve your skills, pick up on new information, and maintain positive progress.

Here Are 6 Ways To Enhance Your Capabilities

1.    Find Your Skills

You can enhance your capabilities if you’re not 100% sure what they are. Reflect on your life and consider the things you’ve done. Figure out what you’re good at and what needs work:

·         First, Seek Your Skills

What are the things you know how to do? There may be some skills you don’t even know you have, like technical skills, administrative skills, or other small things you’ve picked up over the years.

·         Next, Find Your Strengths

What are you good at? What are your talents? These are the areas you’ll want to work on the most, so you can be even better at them and stand out from the crowd.

·         Finally, Find Your Weaknesses

Determine where your strong points don’t lie. You then have two options: you can work on your weaknesses, or you can enhance other areas to support these weaknesses. Both options are respectable ones!

2.    Don’t Stay Idle

When you remain idle, you’re allowing your skills to stagnate. It’s okay to take a short rest when needed, but letting your capabilities remain unused for days or weeks on end is a surefire way to get rusty and even eventually lose much of those skills. Here’s how to avoid staying idle:

·         Join Short Classes or Courses

Even if you’re good at something, there’s always more to learn. Take a course, training event, or class that can further broaden your horizons and helps you to improve on your skills.

·         Take Part In Relevant Activities

Join activities that will involve the use of your abilities. For example, if you’re a woodworker, build things as gifts or ask charities if there’s anything they need to be upgraded or fixed. If you’re a performer, apply to play at events or go to an open-mic. The possibilities are endless.

·         Practice

It sounds boring, but if you can’t do anything big or fancy involving your skills, practice them by yourself at home. Play an instrument? Get an hour of practice daily. Like to write? Write a story or poem just for your own eyes. Again, there are many possibilities.

3.    Continue To Learn

You may think your skills are the best that they can be, but they aren’t. Are you really at your best if you’re not continually continuing to improve? If you stop working on improvement, then your journey ends there, and you’ll never see what you get to become.

There’s never any reason to stop learning. If you truly want to hone your capabilities, you’ll have to put effort into continuing to increase your knowledge. You can do this by:

·         Being Mentored

Seek out someone who is truly an expert in your field and ask to be mentored by them. You’ll get to watch how they work, learn from their methods, and get insider secrets on success in the craft.

·         Keep Yourself Relevant

What you considered impressive five years ago may not be impressive now. So if you graduated 20 years ago, the standards would likely have risen since then. Do what you can to keep yourself and your skills relevant.

·         Make Use Of Free Resources

A lack of funds doesn’t have to stop you from learning. There are plenty of free courses available online, and video tutorials are all over YouTube. They’re not the same as paid, taught classes, but many come pretty close!

·         Read

Non-fiction books have a lot of valuable knowledge in them. Look for ones authored by experts in the field, or people you look up to. You might pick up some crucial or important knowledge from there!

·         Ask For Evaluation

Ask your peers or higher-ups to help evaluate you. They can give you an objective evaluation of your skills and abilities. Try to involve those beyond just your close family or friends, who may be biased.

·         Don’t Be Content

Always want more. Always look for ways to grow. Finally, always seek out improvement and knowledge. Know that you are capable of more.

4.    Don’t Give So Much Credit To Talent

Many people are talented, but the talent is not an automatic determiner for success. Sure, talent provides a lot of help in your journey to improve yourself and strengthen your abilities, but it is not a guarantee for success, and not having skill isn’t a guarantee for failure.

In fact, if you’re talented at something, you should work even harder at it so that you can be better than others who share your ability, and if you’re not gifted at something, you can always work hard to learn to be better at it. Even talent must be supplemented with skill. Without skill, talent means nothing.

5.    Make Goals

Goal-oriented individuals often have more positive thinking than those without goals. Essentially, people with goals in mind have an easier time achieving what they want to, allowing them to be happier. They also feel like they make progress more quickly because they can watch their goals being checked off. Here’s how to make reasonable goals:

·         Step 1: Determine Your Biggest Life Goal

What is it that you truly want out of life? It doesn’t have to be specific: “I want to be happy,” “I want to be the best,” or “I want to help others.”

·         Step 2: Break Things Down

Find the goals you have in life and the areas you want to improve, then break them down into smaller goals. For example: Want to advance in your career? Make small goals to apply for a new job weekly, or to read a new career-related book weekly.

·         Step 3: Write Your Short-Term Goals Down

It’s challenging to ignore goals that are in writing. Hold yourself accountable and write deadlines (of a reasonable variety) next to each target.

·         Step 4: Make Your Goals Lead Up

All your small goals should be leading up to your big goals. This way, you’re taking small steps forward that show clear progress towards the significant achievements you’re seeking.

·         Step 5: Adjust Your Goals As Needed

As time goes on, you may find that your original goals aren’t quite right. It’s okay to make small alterations as you better understand your capabilities and processes.

You should also make sure that you’re setting goals in the most positive and helpful ways. Here are some tips:

·         Make Your Goals Measurable

If your goals aren’t easy to measure, you may have difficulty figuring out what your progress is along with them.

·         Prioritize

Not all of your goals are equal. Some need to be prioritized over others. Make sure you have your priorities straight, and you’re going for the right benchmarks first.

·         Make Your Goals Specific

Non-specific goals are challenging to follow. Make sure they’re clear, concise, and easy to follow. For example, “Read more” is not specific enough. “Read a new book twice a month” works better.

·         Track Progress

Make sure you keep an eye on your progress. A journal can help keep yourself in check. Chronicle your progress and use the information to improve, adjust your action plans, and figure out what works and what doesn’t.

·         Continue To Set New Goals

When you succeed in finishing your previous goals and accomplishing them, set new goals. This is how you will continue to learn and grow as time goes on.

·         Be Realistic

Don’t set goals that are too difficult to achieve. Yes, you must always challenge yourself and make sure your goals aren’t easy for you to reach. But if you set unrealistic goals, you’ll wind up being demotivated when you burn out trying to reach them.

6.    Engage With Others

Engaging with others is one of the best ways to hone your skills. After all, theoretical knowledge can only get you so far if you don’t put it into practice. Other people can challenge you and show you ways of thinking and problems with your style you may have never noticed before.

There are plenty of ways you can learn to engage with others. Here are a few ideas that you can incorporate:

·         Leadership

If you’re at a good enough level of skill and capability, you can engage in opportunities to lead others. Take on higher roles with proper levels of responsibility. If there are no apparent opportunities for you, create new programs, set up new events, and take any chances you can to lead.

·         Mentoring

When you mentor other people, you’re refreshing your knowledge and learning more things. In fact, multiple studies over the years have found that teaching others has positive impacts on your knowledge. It’s a fantastic way to continue learning.

Besides, sometimes, feeling like others are looking to you or using you as an example can help motivate you to be better.

·         Competition

There’s nothing wrong with a little friendly competition. If your peers are at a similar skill level to you, why not compete with them? This is especially useful if you’re all working in a similar environment.

This doesn’t mean you need to stage a competition against them actively. Instead, be inspired by them. If someone you know achieves success, use them as inspiration. Bolster each other, discuss strategies, and help each other.

Of course, you shouldn’t compare yourself to your peers. They’re different people with different capabilities and journeys. You shouldn’t look down on peers who you succeed over, either. Once again, it’s the inspiration and motivation you’re looking for!

enhance your capabilitiesFinal Thoughts on Enhancing Your Unique Capabilities

There are plenty of ways to improve your capabilities. When you don’t work on them, you wind up getting rusty, losing them, or falling behind on the times. It would be a pity to forget what you’ve worked hard for just because you don’t improve on them!

Continuing to enhance yourself throughout your life can help keep your mind sharp, and it will allow your skills to stay robust and relevant throughout your life. With hard work, an eager mind, a thirst for knowledge, and a good bit of positive thinking, you can easily enhance your capabilities.

The post 6 Ways To Enhance Your Capabilities appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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