~ Auto Buzz ~: 25 Quotes That Reveal The Truth About Life with Dogs

Wednesday 2 October 2019

25 Quotes That Reveal The Truth About Life with Dogs

Your health is as important as your life. You should always consider that which makes you happy and makes you be in the right state both mentally and physically. According to Rebecca A. Johnson, Ph.D, director of the Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction at the University of Missouri, over millennia of years, dogs have formed part and parcel of people’s lives.

Dogs are commonly referred to as “man’s best friend”, as they brighten your day and makes you happy and in a healthy mood. Physical and mental fitness is also maintained. Canines add value to human health. Your levels of stress decrease and in turn, tackle with life in ways that are not dangerous.

Dogs should be treated in a way that also makes you feel happy and human at the same time. One way of avoiding any disorder, be it physical or mental, you should be positive of words and quotes that bring happiness to you and makes your mind relaxed.

There are many funny quotes about dogs that can enlighten your day and help you keep up to your standards of fitness and in a healthy state. Even on the coldest and darkest days of winter, they drag you out of your chair and to breathe in the fresh air. It gives you a new appreciation!

Below are 25 fun quotes about life with dogs that will enlighten you more about canines and how to relate with them.

25 of the Best Quotes About Dogs

1. ‘Sometimes the best medicine is a dog who thinks their love can cure you.’ (Dog Mom Vibes Blog)

The closeness of your pet to you and that stronger bond that exists make your dog wonder and feel uncomfortable when you are in a state of health risk or overwhelmed with stress. The best cure at the moment is the feeling when you touch your dog and to play with it. This makes you stronger and stresses free.

2. ‘Dogs are not dangerous if you raise them right.’ (Author Unknown)

This quote was written for you to be positive and start by having your dog. Most pups copy that they are being taught by their master and adheres to that. Stand out and raise your puppy in the right way from the young age to the old age. Your pooch can only become what you raise it to become.

3. ‘If dogs could talk, I would never try to make human friends ever again.’ (Unknown Author).

Human friends can stand out to be your worst enemies. There is little trust in human friends. Canines, in turn, play that role of real friends and can save you in times of need. Though they cannot talk, they can at least hear all that you command them to do and can also be understood due to that stronger bond that exists.

4. ‘Dogs are like that, I guess, they know how to fix you without saying a word.’ (Caroline George)

A pooch can fix you from broken pieces to a whole one again without uttering any word. Dogs can make you feel happy again during your low moments. Dogs have more love for their masters than anyone else and can bring you from sorrowful mood to a relaxed mood.

5. ‘Better than all the gold in the world, better than diamonds, better than pearls, better than any material thing… is the love of a dog and the joy it brings.’ (Laura Jaworski)

It may sound weird that a canine’s love may be far much better than human being love. Many have developed the notion that nothing of importance can be gotten from dogs except the security they offer; but this is not always the case, pups can bring you joy and happiness in your day to day life.

6. ‘A house is never lonely where a loving dog waits.’ (Author Unknown)

Joy and laughter should prevail at all times in a house. More joy and happiness is brought by the dogs that you keep as pets. They become friends even to the visitors around, and this makes the house lively.

7. ‘Be silly, be energetic, be selfless, be resilient, be compassionate, be forgiving, be loyal, and lovely. Be Doglike.’ (Ron Schmidt)

If in any case dogs could talk, then they could have been the special creatures on earth. They have every trait that a sane and sound mind human being should possess. Canines can make you possess traits that at first, you did not have.

8.’ Dog is God spelled backward.’ (Duane Chapman).

This is the hilarious quote, and that fits you. A dog is simply a unique creature that God provides to us. You should find one and no regret at the end.

9. ‘Dogs have boundless enthusiasm but no sense of shame. I should have a dog as a life coach.’ ( Moby).

While human beings can have shame around, pooches have no sense of shame. They’ve got every freedom to do anything that helps them and to make their masters happy and fit health-wise. They have bountiful love.

10. ‘You want a friend in Washington? Get a dog.’ (Former President Harry S. Truman).

Dogs make the best friends you could ever imagine of. Considering its playful nature, dogs can uplift you from depression and stress to lively moments. You should consider having a pooch as a friend and stop being in the state of loneliness.

11. ‘If you don’t own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.’ (Roger A. Caras).

It’s not always the case that you are on the wrong side of not having a dog, but the problem comes when your health pattern starts to deteriorate. You will develop hypertension due to increased level of stress and also some complications that develop because of physical unfitness and mentally restless.

12. ‘People have been asking me if I was going to have kids and had puppies instead.’ (Kate Jackson)

Go for puppies, and you will keep to your standards of health and fitness. The conditional love you get from a dog is enough to make you happy daily.

13. ‘The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.’ (Author Unknown)

Train your dog to become better than you and of good manners, especially when a new face is within the compound.

14. ‘Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail.’ (Author Kinky Friedman)

This quote was simply directed to you, to help and inform you that love is what is paramount and that money cannot buy it. You should show maximum love to your pet and be happy that it is there for you.

15. ‘You can tell by the kindness of a dog how a human should be.’ (Don Van Vliet)

If all canines were to be human beings, then most probably all human beings could be kind and loving, and no problems such as selfishness and hatred could be encountered.

16. ‘You know, a dog can snap you out of any kind of bad mood that you’re in faster than you can think of.’ (Jill Abramson)

When you book for a therapy checkup to deal with your stress and blood pressure, therapists will always refer you to daily exercises. Also, though, canines play an important role in reducing ones’ stress and hypertension problem.

17. ‘If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.’ (Mark Twain)

Unlike, human beings who are never appreciative, pups are always grateful. You should reach out for a dog and have him as a friend.

18. ‘Everything I know, I learned from dogs.’ ( Nora Roberts)

Dogs, of course, can be playful at the same time informative in your daily life. They make learning of new things more obligatory for as long as you have them around.

19. ‘My little dog a heartbeat at my feet.’ (Edith Wharton)

Many prefer canines to provide them with security, but you can also get both care and love.

20. ‘A dog can’t think that much about what he’s doing. He does what feels right.’ (Barbara Kingsolver, author, Animal Dreams)

A dog as compared to human beings can carry themselves around in a well-mannered way without interfering with anything.

21. ‘If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.’ (Actor Will Rogers)

Sometimes it is not that easy to accept the fact that you part from your dog or go to where there are no canines. Consider the love, joy and playful moments you had with your pet.

22. ‘Dogs got personality. Personality goes a long way.’ (Quentin Tarantino, director, and screenwriter, Pulp Fiction)

Your dog is as good as you, you treat him right, and he gives you back what is right.

23. ‘Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.’ (Author Orhan Pamuk)

Life with dogs is of much fun. You have to listen to what they say keenly.

24. ‘The dog lives for the day, the hour, even the moment.’ (Robert Falcon Scott)

Pooches live to the fullest every moment of its life with you in a lively and happy way.

25. ‘Life is too short just to have one dog.’ (Author Unknown)

Of course, your life will be not such as dull because of one pup, but at least add another dog to make it longer and livelier.

dogsFinal Thoughts on How Much Dogs Brighten Our Lives

Only a few can admit that they have stress and anxieties overwhelming them, be positive, and be in control of your health. Every particular problem has a solution, read the quotes to light up your day and also will encourage to have a dog as a best friend. ‘You are too young to die old.

The post 25 Quotes That Reveal The Truth About Life with Dogs appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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