~ Auto Buzz ~: Positive Affirmations From The Baby Boomers Era That May Change Your Life

Saturday 7 September 2019

Positive Affirmations From The Baby Boomers Era That May Change Your Life

It was during the generation of the Baby Boomers that technology made its explosion into society. In fact, most baby boomers will tell you that they were born in the absolute most challenging generation in which to acclimate to being tech-savvy. This is because baby boomers had to learn technology as an adult.

How does this apply to the topic of using positive affirmations, you ask? This applies to this topic because using affirmations to program your brain is very much like programming computers! Coding languages such as Pascal, Fortran, Java and more form the entire foundation and the structure that tells the computer what it is supposed to do.

If there is poor coding or the computer cannot understand what is known as software, the entire program runs amok. Liken this system to the human brain and psyche. Shabby or poor language into the brain, poor results come out.

In other words, garbage in = garbage out.

The Food Analogy

We already know if we eat a lot of junk food, our health will suffer, our weight will be over or under, and our brains will not function properly. If computers and the human body require appropriate and positive input, would it not be obvious that our minds and psyche demand positive input in order to be productive, healthy, and long-lived? Words are food for self-actualization.

If there is any part of this article that you, dear reader, should retain and digest, it is this analogy! Should you find yourself programming your mind with unhealthy or negative “nutrition,” stop for a moment and ask yourself if you would expect a positive outcome if you consume an ongoing diet of junk food.


Examples of Baby Boomers’ Top Positive and Healthy Affirmations

According to Mindvalley.com, successful affirmations must follow a specific formula in order to follow the language of the brain. The internet is obviously full of what many professionals claim to be positive affirmations; however, Mindvalley.com refutes them if they do not follow this pattern:

  • Successful positive affirmations must be in the present tense;
  • Successful affirmations must use only positive words. The brain must work extra hard to get past negative terms;
  • Affirmations must contain facts of accuracy and truth. For example, For example, affirmations should be attainable.

According to MindValley.com, your brain never stops looking for clues to filter your environment and guide your actions; therefore, it will pick up on any available influence.

Certainly all of us have heard other people say things like, “I’m just horrible with remembering names!” or “I never win anything!” Hopefully, this article will put the brakes on this practice in your world.

Critical Thinking Basis for Using Positive Thoughts and Programming

When a judge makes a decision, he or she must base or prove that their decision can be backed by statute law. Statute law is law that has been put into place by a legislative body.

Hence, attorneys quote case studies and statute law when they are arguing their case. their arguments. The main premise here is that both paradigms are based on decisions or legislation that has happened before and has set a precedent.

Why do we visit such a premise when talking about positive affirmations? It is used to demonstrate the energy and power of precedence.

Once you train your brain to make positivism your “statute law,” you are setting your own precedent for success.

Scientific Research for Training Our Minds to Be Positive

According to inspiring teacher and author John KeHoe, training our minds is integral to success in life. This baby boomer’s rules for daily affirmations are threefold and simple:

  • Always make your affirmations in a positive direction. For example, state, “I can do a wonderful job on this project” instead of “I hope my project does not fail;”
  • Make your affirmations short and simple so that you can repeat them easily and from memory;
  • John KeHoe is mildly at odds with other researchers with his third tenet. He does not think you have to believe it to say it. KeHoe believes that simply repeating it over and over again will produce a positive effect.


Examples of Positive Affirmations To Use Today

Now that you understand the tenets that are required to effectively implement these life-altering mantras, let’s implement some of those objectives.

1) “I am important to this company” is in the present tense, it uses positive terms, and it is true. If you were not important to your employer, you would no longer be employed by them.

2) “I am capable of winning this game” is in the present tense, it uses positive terms, and it is possible. The caveat here is the third part might not come true. Let’s say you don’t win the game. Your positive affirmation was still an integral part of you playing your best game, but on this day the other team was stronger. And that will happen. The key is to continue your optimistic affirmations because they truly will only make you stronger, healthier, and more productive. Coaches always begin their games with positive encouragement to their teams. Some games are won, some are lost.

3) “I am an amazing husband/wife!” When you say this to your brain, you are automatically setting up your brain to be an amazing spouse. If you veer “off course,” the positive mantra will put your conscience into gear or provide a feeling of conviction.

Don’t Forget To Love Yourself!

If you have not been taught that it is absolutely imperative to love yourself in order to be loved, then please learn that right now! Would you attempt to teach another person how to read if you did not know how to read? Of course not. Hence, how can you learn to love if you do not love yourself? If this concept is a struggle for you, here is a great place to start in a positive direction:

Here are 21 Positive Affirmations To Repeat If You Don’t Love Yourself!

Associated with the same website, you might check out these Positive Affirmations That Will Change Your Life.

Examples of people who successfully use daily positive affirmations:

  • Business owners and entrepreneurs use them to help them close business deals;
  • Athletes use them, especially before intense competitions, to enhance their physical performance in the competition;
  • Artists use them to stimulate creative and innovative ideas;
  • Politicians use them to boost their interpersonal skills, thereby improving their popularity with the masses.

Empirically Proving the Benefit of Positive Thinking

PositiveAffirmations.com lists six examples of empirical evidence that provide proof that positive thinking can benefit your health, your productivity, and ultimately your self-esteem. They are as follows:

  • 1) Self-affirmations have been shown to decrease health-deteriorating stress (Sherman et al., 2009; Critcher & Dunning, 2015);
  • 2) Self-affirmations have been used effectively in interventions that led people to increase their physical behavior (Cooke et al., 2014);
  • 3) They may help us to perceive otherwise “threatening” messages with less resistance, including interventions (Logel & Cohen, 2012);
  • 4) They can make us less likely to dismiss harmful health messages, responding instead with the intention to change for the better (Harris et al., 2007) and to eat more fruit and vegetables (Epton & Harris, 2008);
  • 5) They have been linked positively to academic achievement by mitigating GPA decline in students who feel left out at college (Layous et al., 2017);
  • 6) They have been linked positively to academic achievement by mitigating GPA decline in students who feel left out at college (Layous et al., 2017);

Other Habits To Reinforce Your New Way of Thinking

There is a great read called “25 Positivity Quotes About Being Happy for Baby Boomers.” Although the title states it is for Baby Boomers, these quotes from famous people are applicable to all ages. This article can be found here. Audrey Hepburn says it well in #13 when she says, ““The word ‘impossible’ tells us everything we need to know: “I’m possible!”

positive affirmations

A Baby Boomer Positive Aficionado

Although author Louise Hay preceded the Baby Boomer generation with her birth on October 8, 1926, she devoted a long lifetime to implementing a positive attitude and affirmations into all of her works. She passed on August 30, 2017. Did this aura of optimism help create a lifespan of almost 91 years? Her mantra was: “In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete”

If a person who lived during the era of the Great Depression can “keep her chin up” during those hard times, and succeed in passing on her optimism to a generation of Baby Boomers that followed, we can also assume that the notion of “positivism” is not simply a “New Age” fad or trend, but it is a lifestyle that each generation seeks to pass on to each subsequent generation.

Here’s our challenge to Baby Boomers. Why not start your optimistic mantra and pass on your positive lifestyle today?

The post Positive Affirmations From The Baby Boomers Era That May Change Your Life appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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