~ Auto Buzz ~: 18 Things Dreams Reveal About Your Personality

Friday 30 August 2019

18 Things Dreams Reveal About Your Personality

Do you believe that dreams have meanings and are directly linked to you in some way or other? According to science, they actually do. After all, dreams come from the subconscious and thus are a manifestation of emotions, worries, and desires.

But did you know that there are links that have been made between certain personality traits and the types of dreams they are most likely to have?

Here Are 18 Things Dreams Reveal About Your Personality

1.    Your Problem-Solving Skills

Are you a lucid dreamer? It sounds like a fancy term, but all this means is that you are aware that you are dreaming when you’re asleep. Research indicates that those who dream in this lucid manner are 25% more capable of solving problems in a positive and more insightful way during their waking time. (1)

Why does this happen? Researchers believe that people who are capable of realizing that they are dreaming are insightful and intuitive, allowing them to make better decisions when solving difficulties.

2.    Your Political Leanings And Ideals

Politics are often a big part of one’s personality. Whether your ideals lean towards one side or the other, it affects how you see the world and what you think. Here are some beliefs you may have that shape your personality:

  • Social justice
  • Upholding the law
  • Finding a balance between extremes
  • Something else in between

Studies have indicated that those who have more conservative views tend to have visions that are more realistic or even boring. Meanwhile, those who have more liberal views tend to have more unusual, weird, or bizarre fantastical dreams.

3.    Your Current Mental State

Dreams themselves may not easily reveal exactly what you’re going through, but the time of your dreams does. Research indicates that those who are depressed begin having dreams quickly, within less than an hour after falling asleep. In most people, dreaming begins at the 90-minute mark.

Dreaming is often used as a coping mechanism by the brain. If you have been through a recent trauma, you may dream about the issue in order to help you process the complex situation.

4.    Whether You’re Intuitive

Are you an intuitive person? Do you tend to take information through creativity and your emotions? This would be opposed to receiving detailed information through your five senses instead.

If you are intuitive, there’s a chance that you remember your dreams more than those who prefer the use of their senses. You may also remember more big, grand dreams, or more archetypal dreams.

5.    If You Avoid Your Issues

Dreams of being chased are a sign of avoidance. There is something in your real life that you are trying to outrun. It could be something literal, such as a person you’ve been trying to avoid. It can also be more metaphorical, like:

  • A deadline
  • Your age
  • An emotion that’s been growing
  • Your past

6.    If You’re An Extrovert Or Introvert

Those who are introverted tend to find solace in themselves and prefer their own company to that of others, for the most part. Meanwhile, extroverts feel the opposite way – they enjoy the company of others and are more focused on the outside world.

Introverts have been found to experience bigger memories of small everyday goals that feature more familiar and comfortable routines. Extroverts don’t remember these types of dreams as much.

7.    Your Knowledge of Your Emotions

Being in touch with your emotions is important, and your brain knows this. That’s why it does its best to process complex emotions and difficult issues through the use of dreams. Nightmares may also be prevalent in times of trouble.

You can use what happens in these troubling episodes to help yourself in your waking life. Think about the dreams you had and find links to real-life problems you’re dealing with.

8.    How You Conform

Some people like to follow rules, and govern themselves by an authoritarian view: conformity is often a part of their lives, and they prefer to be around others who fit in, too. Others are very self-accepting and don’t mind non-conformance, often exhibiting less anxiety at the same time.

Those who remember those that happen just as they fall asleep are often among the latter, more non-conforming individuals. Those who have authoritarian opinions usually don’t remember these dreams.

9.    Whether You Prefer Logic Or Emotion

Are you an emotional person or a logical person? Do you go by what you think, or what you feel? Your dreams may have some insight!

Apparently, those who make decisions in a more logical and calculated way, often after sufficient analysis, often have dreams that are more emotional in nature. Meanwhile, those who often make choices that align with values, their conscience, and their principles tend to have dreams that are more logical in nature.

10. Your Negative Traits

Do you dream a lot about engaging in violent, cruel, or aggressive behavior? We’re not going to judge you, but science just might. Research shows positive links between individuals who display “dark” and more violent and dark dreams. Dark traits include: (2)

  • Narcissism
  • Machiavellianism
  • Psychopathy
  • Spitefulness
  • Egotism

These types of visions may feature violence, aggression, power fantasies, or even intimate or obscene acts. While your dreams don’t necessarily define you, they may suggest certain issues that you struggle with and may need therapy for.

11. If You Tend To Worry

Are you a worrier? Do you tend to get anxious quickly or easily? Are you often very aware of the world around you to the point where you get concerned about seemingly minor things and feel that negativity very strongly?

If you do, then you may receive more messages that focus on future and past events, as your brain prepares you for the challenges up ahead and tries to process things that have happened. If you never have these types of dreams, you may repress your feelings a lot.

12. If You’re Religious

Religion is also a big aspect of many people’s personalities. If you’re especially religious and go to a place of worship often, then you may actually remember less of your dreams. This may be because you have a source of insight into the deity you worship.

If you’re not religious, you will likely remember your dreams, as these visions help to provide you with information to process your innermost thoughts and feelings.

13. Your Control Over Your Life

How in control do you feel over your life? Your dreams can tell you that. Here are some common symbols in dreams that point to feelings of no control:

  • Falling in a dream can indicate a loss of control, often because you feel like you’re failing or are going to crash and burn.


  • Dreaming that you’re in a car you have no control of is fairly on the nose; it means that you feel like you’re not in the driver’s seat of your life anymore.


  • If you dream about your teeth falling out, it shows that you feel like you’ve lost your sense of power or you feel like you’re low on confidence.

14. Your Creativity

People who are creative tend to have interesting dreams in a wide variety of different locations. Instead of dreaming about being in their office or being at home, they find themselves in strange dream settings.

If you’re creative, you may also see obstacles like giant rocks in your path that you cannot clamber over. If they do not feel very fulfilled at the moment, they are more likely to have erotic dreams.

15. Your Work Style

Are you kind to yourself, or do you work yourself into the ground? Are you a workaholic, or do you try your best to set aside free time for yourself?

If you tend to be hardworking and very hard on yourself, the stress can cause your dreams to appear disturbing or exhausting. On the other hand, if you have a more relaxed view on life, you’re more likely to have dreams that aren’t too tiring to deal with.

16. Your Personal Freedom

Do you often dream that you’re flying? This can be an indication that you feel free and happy in your real life. You may be very ambitious as well and seek to reach new heights in all your endeavors. It also often points to confidence.

Basically, if you dream of flying, you have a lot of positive thinking and are generally doing pretty well in life. You may also be feeling confident about an upcoming challenge.

17. How Much Of A Perfectionist You Are

Many people who have stopped going to school years ago still have dreams about needing to complete an exam in school and being utterly unprepared. This can indicate that you’re very much a perfectionist in your waking moments. You may fear to make mistakes and worry that you’re never prepared enough.

If you have these dreams on a recurrent basis, you need to take a break and pat yourself on the back! If you don’t care for your mental health, you may be en route to developing mood or anxiety disorders.

18. Your Actual Personality Type

Have you heard of the Myers-Briggs personality test? It sorts all individuals into 16 different personality types, which are different combinations of the following: (3)

  • Extroverted (E) vs Introverted (I)
  • Sensing (S) vs Intuition (N)
  • Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F)
  • Judging (J) vs Perceiving (P)

Each personality type dreams the least about certain things, likely a reflection of their personality type. Here’s what they each dream of or don’t dream of the most:

  • ISTJ – least about suicide and their fathers
  • ISFJ – least about school, traveling, and flying
  • INFJ – most about being stuck and unable to move
  • INTJ –  least about traveling
  • ISTP – least about the future
  • ISFP -least about friends, most interested in dream interpretation
  • INFP – Has the most nightmares
  • INTP – most about romantic interests
  • ESTP – About being naked in public, confessing to a crush, the future, and flying
  • ESFP – most about romantic interests
  • ENFP – Has the most lucid dreams
  • ENTP -most about suicide, tends to remember dreams
  • ESTJ – Feels the most rested after dreams
  • ESFJ – Has the least nightmares
  • ENFJ – Remembers their dreams most
  • ENTJ – Least interested in dream interpretation


Final Thoughts Of Some Things Dreams Reveal About Your Personality

It’s interesting to learn about dreams and their links to personalities. But are dream meanings set in stone? No, of course not! Keep your positive thinking! Instead, use your dreams as a guide – a little extra insight into your innermost thoughts and emotions that could help you unravel them a little more.

The post 18 Things Dreams Reveal About Your Personality appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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