~ Auto Buzz ~: Anti Aging Skin Care (The Best Daily Routine)

Thursday 27 June 2019

Anti Aging Skin Care (The Best Daily Routine)

You want to look younger every day. However, you might not have a clue of how to achieve your anti aging goals. You might also be wondering if it is vital to use all these products that are recommended and sold in the beauty products market.

Another primary concern that you might have is the choice of product that will work best for your skin. Also, you might be wondering how and when you should use these products. This also includes the number of times that you should use anti aging skin care products.

To put your mind at ease, here are steps that will be your guide to your anti aging skin care routine. This routine is straightforward. It has four steps; one that you can use for your morning routine and another that you can use at night to complete the day.

The routine will also include some of the best product picks that you can use. An expert has approved these products. The tips, also recommended by an expert, are easy steps that you can use for your anti aging skin care routine.


Morning Routine

Step 1: Wash Your Face

After sleeping, you will wake up with facial skin filled with impurities and oil. Therefore, washing your face should be the first thing that you do after waking up. To do this properly, use a cleanser that is compatible with your skin type.

Your skin can be oily, sensitive or prone to acne. If you have oily skin, the right cleanser for you will be a gel cleanser. Select a gel that has charcoal in it. The charcoal will remove the impurities from your skin like a magnet.

Charcoal also dissolves excess oil, makeup, and dirt from your skin. If your skin type is dry, you should select a cleanser that will hydrate your skin even when you are cleaning your face. A hydrating cleanser will remove any impurities and makeup from your face.

The best hydrating cleanser should contain honey and sweet almond extracts. These anti aging products condition, pamper and comfort the skin. Additionally, your skin will feel soft, clean and supple.

On the other hand, if your facial skin is aging, the best cleanser to use is a foaming cleanser. Choose a foaming cleanser that has been formulated with a micro-exfoliating lipo-hydroxy acid. Such a cleanser can remove impurities, address uneven skin tone, remove visible dark spots, and remove dull looking skin.

If your skin is sensitive, use micellar water. The water has micelle molecules. These molecules cluster together and surround the impurities lifting them away.

The molecules will also remove your makeup without any harsh rubbing or rinsing. To further make your skin look refreshed and bright, exfoliate a few times a week with a scrub in your morning routine. The scrub will remove the dead skin building up from the surface leaving a more polished skin.

Step 2: Antioxidant Serum

Serum should be a must-have product in your anti aging morning routine. These products, albeit highly concentrated, consisting of vitamins, nutrients and other ingredients that benefit the skin. They can also target specific concerns for your skin.

Additionally, serums have the advantage of improving the entire complexion of your face making it appear better. Some serums can even protect against free radicals which prevent premature signs of aging. Moreover, serums reduce wrinkles leaving your skin looking younger.

Step 3: Eyes

The area surrounding your eyes will be the first place on your face to show any signs of aging. This area is delicate, and it can be filled with wrinkles and fine lines. Therefore, for your anti aging skin care routine, you can use an eye cream to minimize the appearance of premature skin aging.

The eye cream can also remove any signs of aging on your eyes. In the morning, use a cream that has SPF to protect against UV light exposure throughout the day. The UV light is known for making dark spots, fine lines and wrinkles in the eye area more pronounced.

The UV light also adds more signs of aging around the eye. Hence, using an SPF sunscreen will defend, enhance, and optimize the entire area around your eye. Such products are useful since they work best for the thin and sensitive skin structure around the eye.

Step 4: Moisturize

Moisturizing your skin is essential every time you wash your face. The re-introduction of moisture helps to hydrate your skin. Thus, your skin is prevented from getting dry.

Well, balanced moisture maintained on your skin ensures that the anti aging signs are reduced on your face. This is because moisture minimizes the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines visible on your face. As an added benefit, you can choose a moisturizer that has SPF as one of its ingredients.

Just like the eye cream, the SPF helps to protect your face against any UV rays that are harmful to your skin. A moisturizer will also provide your face will hydration properties throughout the day. Thus, your skin will look young and soft all day long.

Moreover, your moisturizer will give your skin the ability to fight any visible effects that come from environmental skin damage. In case your moisturizer does not have SPF, choose a sunscreen that has SPF to work as a supplement. Also, make sure that you apply the SPF as the last thing during your morning skincare routine and reapply it after every two hours.


Night Routine

Step 1: Wash Your Face

Similar to your morning routine, you should wash your face with a cleanser before you go to sleep. You can even use the same formula that you use in the morning. Nevertheless, you can decide to use a different method for your morning routine.

You can also swap your cleanser for an exfoliating cleanser a few times during the week. The purpose of the exfoliating cleanser is to remove the dead skin cells that are building upon the surface of your face. These dead skin cells give your face a dull appearance.

When choosing an exfoliating cleanser, pick one that will brighten your skin and at the same time cleanse your face deeply. A cleanser that has finely ground and sustainable argan nutshell will provide the best exfoliating effect while at the same time remaining gentle to your skin. Look for added benefits in products that contain vitamin c and multi-fruit acid.

In case you wear makeup every day, ensure that you use a toner after cleansing your face. The toner will remove all the cosmetics, pollution, dirt and grime from your face. Use an alcohol-free toner that will tone, hydrate and comfort your skin.

An alcohol-free toner is also useful for all skin types. The pH balance of the toner will additionally give you optimal comfort. Besides, it will not dry or strip your skin of its natural oils.

Step 2: Apply Retinol

Retinal is a product that is widely known to be valid for anti aging. This is because it reduces the signs of wrinkles, fine lines and age spots that occur from intrinsic aging or the environment. Using a retinol product at night is also more effective because it breaks down in UV light due to its photosensitivity.

Choose a product that has pure retinol of about 0.5 percent. Also, you can consider a product that will have bisabolol. These properties will help to calm your skin from irritations that occur from using retinol.

Therefore, when you start to use retinol, start with products that have a lower concentration of the ingredient. You can increase the concentration gradually with the increase in tolerance for your skin. Otherwise, stick to lower concentrations to avoid skin irritation.

Step 3: Moisturize

Moisturizing should also be a constant part of your anti aging skin care routine in the evening or at night before you sleep. You should moisturize your face after cleansing. However, since you do not need SPF in the evening, you can use a moisturizer that has ingredients that prevent aging.

Such ingredients include retinol, glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid, and LHA. All you have to do is ensure that the product you choose will correlate to your skin type. For instance, if you have dry, normal or combination skin type, you should use a moisturizer that has restorative power for your skin’s appearance.

anti aging

The restorative power of the product will give you a good night’s sleep look. Hence, when you wake up, your face will be radiant looking, and you will also look as though you had enough rest. However, if you applied pure retinol on your skin during the second step, use a moisturizing night cream that does not contain retinol to avoid irritating your skin.

Step 4: Eyes

Before you go to sleep, apply the same eye cream that you use in the morning to the area around your eyes. The cream will give you a youthful appearance in the morning. If your morning eye cream has SPF, use a different eye cream at night.

For your night routine, choose an eye cream that will increase moisture levels and enhance anti aging by targeting dark circles and wrinkles. The eye cream is an essential skin care routine step for both young and mature skin. Another added skin care tip that you can use at night is using a face mask.

The face mask will give your skin the extra TLC it needs. For maximum results, choose an overnight face mask that will moisturize your face intensively overnight. The mask will provide you with soft and smooth skin while you sleep.


Always remember that anti aging products can only do so much for your skin. For instance, you cannot substitute evening skin care products for actual sleep. If you are tired, the skin will show the signs.

The post Anti Aging Skin Care (The Best Daily Routine) appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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