~ Auto Buzz ~: Biden Busts Out Hog for Campaign 2020

Friday, 22 March 2019

Biden Busts Out Hog for Campaign 2020

Maybe the biggest piece of affirmative evidence in the will-he or won’t-he Joe Biden presidential run came in the form of the former VP breaking his Electra Glide sidecar rig out of storage yesterday, where it’s reportedly sat since 2012. Biden, who’ll be 78 years old if he does choose to run in 2020, desperately needs to appear as young, vigorous and patriotic as possible: What better way to do that  than blasting down the campaign trail on a Harley-Davidson?

“The Cherry Chariot rides again,” said Biden, patting the sheepskin seat and releasing a small cloud of dust that was visible in the shop light above his 1980 Christy Brinkley Sports Illustrated poster. “Still a looker that can turn every damn head on the block.”

Read the whole story here at The Onion.

The post Biden Busts Out Hog for Campaign 2020 appeared first on Motorcycle.com.

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