~ Auto Buzz ~: 60,000 Hour Takumi Documentary Now Available for Watching

Thursday, 21 March 2019

60,000 Hour Takumi Documentary Now Available for Watching

Lexus Takumi Documentary

Lexus has just released the longest documentary ever made — 60,000 hours of film that explores the art of Japanese craftsmanship in a world increasingly built by robots.

Takumi: A 60,000-Hour Story on the Survival of Human Craft follows four Japanese artisans: a double Michelin-starred chef, a traditional paper-cutting artist, an automotive master craftsman and a carpenter for one of the oldest construction companies in the world.

Lexus Documentary Takumi

The full 60,000-hour version loops scenes of each artisan repeating the essential skills of their craft over and over again, and can be viewed online through this dedicated website. A more reasonable 54-minute version has been released on Prime Video, and I recommend you start here before committing thirty years of your life watching the full thing.

Best Deals today in www.freepromotoday.com

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