~ Auto Buzz ~: Samsung announces One UI to reduce clutter and distractions

Thursday 8 November 2018

Samsung announces One UI to reduce clutter and distractions

Smartphone displays continue to grow (as bezels shrink), and now that Samsung has just unveiled its first foldable phone, the company has also decided to introduce a new user interface to reduce clutter and distractions.

Samsung is calling it “One UI”. The most interesting part of this new effort is the fact that Samsung is keeping “relevant content” on the bottom half of the display, which should make all of that easier to reach and access. One UI seems to be primarily focused on one-handed use, which the smaller bezels can certainly help with even as screens get bigger, but depending on the hardware design some elements may still be difficult to reach.


This announcement of One UI was made at the company’s developers conference today, alongside the debut of its first foldable smartphone, so the details are still light.

Samsung also announced Bixby Capsules, which will allow third-party developers to access the company’s digital personal assistant platform. That will make it easier for developers to scale their services across all the different hardware that Bixby is available on, including smartphones, tablets, the company’s upcoming smart speaker, and appliances.

Samsung has a busy day on its hands with a lot to announce, but the most exciting elements have already been unveiled: That foldable smartphone and One UI. Are you excited about what’s coming next from Samsung?

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