~ Auto Buzz ~: Google introduces new API for in-app updates

Friday, 9 November 2018

Google introduces new API for in-app updates

Some apps require the latest version to access the service, whether it’s for security or anti-cheating. Heading to the Play Store to update the app has never been a big deal, but Google aims to make the process easier.

The company is introducing the “In-app Updates API” that allows developers to offer better ways to update an app before use. The first method is a full-screen experience, where pressing a button will bring up a full screen overlay that updates the app and disappears after it’s done, leaving you back in the app.

The other method, which is a lot more interesting, is a flexible update option. This will allow you to hit the update button in the app and continue using it while it downloads in the back. Developers will be able to customize the “flow” of the update.

This feature is now being tested with select partners but will soon be released to all app developers. Details are still scarce but we look forward to this improvement!

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