~ Auto Buzz ~: Sprint’s Flash Sale Offers Switchers $25/Month Unlimited Data Plan

Friday, 24 August 2018

Sprint’s Flash Sale Offers Switchers $25/Month Unlimited Data Plan

Sprint announced yesterday that it was starting a new Flash Sale, allowing those that switch to Sprint to get unlimited talk, text and data for just $25 per month. This sale starts today, and is available for a limited time – though Sprint has not mentioned how long it’ll last. So if you have been looking to switch to Sprint, now is definitely the time to do just that.

The Unlimited Kickstart plan is a different plan from Sprint’s typical unlimited plan, which explains why it is so much cheaper. One line is $25 per month versus $60 per month on the Unlimited Basic. On Unlimited Kickstart, you can get two lines for $50 per month, three for $75 per month and for four $100 per month. You do get unlimited talk, text and data, but you are missing a few other features. For example, there is no mobile hotspot included here. You also don’t have the option to utilize Sprint Flex Lease to buy a new phone (this means that you’ll need to finance it or buy the phone outright). There’s also no Hulu here, streaming video is capped at 480p versus 1080p, gaming is capped at 2Mbps versus 8Mbps, and streaming music is capped at 500Kbps versus 1.5Mbps. So everything is going to be a bit slower, but in reality, you likely won’t see a big difference here. Especially when it comes to gaming and music. The table below shows the differences between Unlimited Kickstart and Unlimited Basic.

If you are just looking for an unlimited data plan, and don’t need any of the extras, then Unlimited Kickstart is definitely a good option. Especially since you are saving a ton of money on each line, even though there aren’t any discounts for adding more lines to your account. You can hit the link below and switch over to Sprint to take advantage of this limited time deal from Sprint.

Shop Sprint's Unlimited Kickstart

The post Sprint’s Flash Sale Offers Switchers $25/Month Unlimited Data Plan appeared first on AndroidHeadlines.com |.

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