~ Auto Buzz ~: Unique YouTube Celebrity Finds Fame By Studying In Silence

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Unique YouTube Celebrity Finds Fame By Studying In Silence

Studying is one of the most monotonous activities one can undertake, but South Korean YouTube star Bot-No-Jam gained his 300,000 followers and counting by doing just that. Most of his videos literally consist of him simply studying, with some running as long as six hours. He occasionally uploads videos of other daily life activities, such as heading to the gym or getting ready to go out with friends, and all of these videos have two things in common; they explode in popularity a short time after they’re posted, and he never actually speaks in them. If he does open his mouth, it’s dubbed over with music, sound effects or other noise, with the central point being that none of his videos actually feature his voice. The videos are well-edited, and some feature attention-grabbing things like jump cuts and upbeat music. Even so, the act of studying alone, as with many online celebrities, is not enough; most of his fans say that he looks like a K-Pop star, suggesting that’s what keeps the views rolling in.

Bot-No-Jam’s studying videos are simple and, for the most part, blisteringly boring. He posted his first study video some time ago, but it wasn’t until he started regularly posting fresh content, including his daily life videos, that viewers began hopping on. While many like to adore Bot-No-Jam’s studious face, many more enjoy the close-up look at life in South Korea that his daily life videos have to offer, often showing off iconic locations, beautiful scenery, vulnerable scenes of goofing off with friends, and fun things to do. Bot-No-Jam appeared on a South Korean talk show not long ago, where he revealed that his YouTube nickname, which roughly approximates to “robot that has no fun” in Korean, actually came from friends calling him a robot back when he served in the military.

Bot-No-Jam is a living example of the fact that online celebrity can come in just about any form, and doesn’t necessarily have to get in the way of your everyday life or dreams. His videos are all recorded while engaged in other activities, and most of them are recorded or live-streamed while he’s studying for a state police exam. The thousands of views qualify him for YouTube’s monetization program, which means that he’s getting a steady income on the side while he works toward his dream job and hangs out with his pals.

The post Unique YouTube Celebrity Finds Fame By Studying In Silence appeared first on AndroidHeadlines.com |.

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