~ Auto Buzz ~: Google Duplex To Start Phased Rollout This Summer

Thursday 28 June 2018

Google Duplex To Start Phased Rollout This Summer

Google Duplex is going to start with a phased rollout this Summer, showcasing that Google is perhaps further along with its new Assistant feature than some may have guessed. Announced at Google I/O 2018 back in May, Google Duplex is the new Assistant feature which is capable of completing a few different tasks for you over the phone that you would normally have to do for yourself, such as booking hair appointments or making reservations at a restaurant that you want to eat at. Google recently demoed Duplex making a restaurant reservation on June 26, and it’s published a new video on YouTube showing how the feature will work later once it’s finally rolled out.

As one might expect the video shows much of what was demoed at Google I/O, with some noticeable differences, namely the fact that Google Assistant identifies itself as the Google Assistant to the restaurant employee before mentioning that the call would be recorded, and then moving on to make the reservation. Duplex will reportedly do this once it’s rolled out as well, so the way things operate in the video are said to be the way Duplex will officially operate in the real world.

Google won’t be rolling the feature out to everyone right away. First it’s beginning to test the feature out with a small group of trusted testers, and once it starts rolling the feature out in phases later this Summer, it’ll only be usable for certain things. Google will also reportedly begin pushing the feature with one function – asking about holiday hours. Later this Summer is when restaurant reservations will be incorporated but Duplex will only be able to make reservations for users at restaurants which Google has partnered with specifically, which means it could be a while before some are able to use it. Booking appointments for haircuts will come after reservations and this will reportedly be the final feature of Duplex, at least for now as there’s always a possibility that Google could add more functionality to it eventually. There are no exact dates for when this feature will show up for those outside the trusted tester group, so users who are interested will simply have to keep an eye out. The good news is that Duplex is said to work pretty well when real-world demos were conducted yesterday with Google in Mountain View, so chances are things will be polished when Google rolls it out to everyone.

The post Google Duplex To Start Phased Rollout This Summer appeared first on AndroidHeadlines.com |.

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