If you are one of those people who doesn’t have the time for exercising, this is the perfect exercise for you. It will help you to burn a lot of calories and you will need only 4 minutes per day.
This program includes:
- Hard sprinting (20 sec.)
- Break (10 sec.)
- Repeat both steps for 4 minutes.
The program
This program is invented by doctor Izumi Tabata and it is very easy but it will help you to burn many calories in only a short period of time.
The studies have shown that it is very effective and you will need only 6 weeks to see the results.
One group performed low-intensity workout while another one was doing this exercises which showed that it is much more effective for burning calories.
You won’t lose anything
This exercise isn’t suitable for beginners and if you are beginner you will need to start with low-intensity sprints and longer breaks and in a while, you will succeed.
The benefits
- You need only 4 minutes per day
- It increases the levels of endorphin
- You don’t need any equipment
- It stimulates the burning of fat
- It helps you build muscle mass
And what is more, if you combine it with some other exercises such as push-ups, cycling, squats, etc. the result will be even better.
How to do it properly
It is very important to do this exercise properly. Here is the program:
- Relax your body and stretch it before you start
- You will need to set up a timer and when it hits 4 minutes you must stop
- Run as hard as you can for 20 sec.
- 10 sec. rest
- Repeat 8 sets
- Stretch again at the end and drink some water
You can repeat this exercise 2-3 times per week at the beginning. And here is a video of some other exercise if you have some extra time:
Source: organichealthcorner.com
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