~ Auto Buzz ~: Of KL Motorshow MAEPS and Blessings

Friday, 10 November 2017

Of KL Motorshow MAEPS and Blessings

Of KL Motorshow MAEPS (9 to 12 November 2017) and Blessings

Today, I woke up 6:40am.  Spent 1 hour updating my 2 days outstanding blog entry.  Reached office A bit late at 9:20am.  Follow up few prospects, Sales Meeting at 9:40am.  
10000+ Steps, 5.8km and 377 calories (according to my Huawei Watch) burned today.

Had below for Breakfast at 10:30am.
Mince Pork noodles with Chinese tea.  396 cal only.

 Above and many more photos below: at 11:20am I drove to MAEPS.  For MAI Malaysia Auto Show 2017.  Spent 4 hours there.  Last 35 mins with Toyota 4WD Challenge.  The POTONG STIM part is I went there too Early, The New Harrier and Megane GT's still Under wraps...  Perodua Myvi also only showing the Front...  (Under wraps).

For More Photos (200+ of them): Please Visit my Google Photo Folder:

Key Highlights:  

 Above and Below: My Favourite car of the Motor Show.

 Above and below: Dream car.

 Above, look at that MASSIVE Boot space...
 Above and below: Dream car...

Below: Free Ice Cream and Water.

 Above and below: 4x4 Challenge.

 Above, I won this IRING at my Lucky Draw. Below: my Toyota Goody bag.

Thank You.

I was at the Motor Show from 11:30am to 3:30pm.  Last 30 mins chilling at Toyota 4WD Challenge.

Left MAEPS and travelled to Dream Center to meet my Cell Leader.  Our Cell Goddreamers managed to raised 60% of my funding for the Myanmar Mission Trip from 1 to 8 December.  So My cell leader went through the List with me and asked me to Write to EACH and EVERY Contributors a Personalized Thank You Message.  

After that, I bathed in Dream Center, chilled for 1 hour before having Dinner (before Alpha Volunteer Training at 6:30pm).  

That's all folks, thanks for having the time and patience to read this blog entry.  An Original Jefferson Lim's production.

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