We all know that exercising is very healthy and important but still we don’t practice it. For some of us it is difficult and for others the time is the problem. So, today we are going to present you some tricks that will help you to lose some extra weight without exercising.
Eat proteins
90% of the carbohydrates are absorbed by the body while the proteins are burned during digestion. So, eat proteins and you will burn the fat more easily.
Eat dill pickles
They are very low in calories and at the same time will help you to stay off the unhealthy snacks.
Reduce your dinner plate
If you have a smaller plate you will eat less. So, buy yourself a smaller dinner plate.
Cut carbs
We already said that they are stored in the body as fats. So, the best thing to do is to avoid them as much as you can.
Eat foods rich in fiber
Fiber is also processed during digestion but at the same time it will help you to throw out the toxins and cleanse your whole body.
Eat mixed green with vinaigrette dressing
Acidic foods boost the carb burning from 20-40%, therefore, they are very beneficial and you should definitely add some yogurt and pickles to your everyday diet.
Avoid fasting
The human body has its own survival mechanism. If it doesn’t have enough food it slows down the metabolism and in this way, the fat burning is reduced too. The lowered metabolism stays in the same place for longer period of time and keeps its energy.
Avoid potatoes
They increase the insulin in the blood and it reduces the fat burning. So, avoid potatoes in any form.
Drink water before every meal
Water will fill up your stomach and it will stop you from overeating.
Call for a substitution
No matter if you are at a restaurant or at home, substitute the pasta, rice, and potatoes with some vegetables.
Take a time-out
Don’t eat your plane in one bite. Try eating half of your plate, make a break and then eat the rest of it. It will stop you from overeating.
It is OK to cheat once in a while
If 95% of the time you eat well that 5% won’t matter. So you can eat a “regular food” once in a while.
Avoid white bread
Avoid white bread and eat a grainy one instead.
Change your eating routine
Once in a couple of weeks change the time and the things you eat. This will boost your metabolism and you will burn the fat faster.
Eat consistently
The breakfast is one of the most important meals during the day. It will help you to control your blood sugar and it will stop you from overeating.
Avoid packaged foods and eat healthy snacks.
Eat healthy and homemade food and healthy snack in between.
Source: upcominghealth.com
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