~ Auto Buzz ~: Cleanse your arteries with this amazing German recipe!

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Cleanse your arteries with this amazing German recipe!


This amazing German recipe will help you to cleanse your arteries in no time. It is very powerful and completely natural.


  • Water (2 l.)
  • Garlic (4 large cloves)
  • Lemon (4 unpeeled)
  • Ginger root (1 small)


Cut the previously washed lemons into pieces and put them in a blender. Peel the garlic and the ginger and add them too. Blend well and add the blended mixture in a pot together with the water. Boil for a while and then remove it from the heat and wait until it cools down. Strain the mixture and keep it in glass bottles in the fridge.


Drink ½ a cup every day on an empty stomach or two hours before your meal. The treatment lasts for three weeks and then you need to make a one-week break. Shake well before consumption.

The garlic smell is neutralized due to the lemon so don’t worry about it.


Source: lovethispic.com

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