~ Auto Buzz ~: Turmeric Fights Inflammation: Here’s How Much You Should Take And How Often For Best Results

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Turmeric Fights Inflammation: Here’s How Much You Should Take And How Often For Best Results

Turmeric is a widely used plant in the kitchen, in the cosmetics, and in the medicine. It is greatly known that it heals wounds, reduces inflammation and pain, and prevents cancer. One of the most beneficial ingredients of the turmeric is curcumin which is also an ingredient of the ginger.

The benefits of turmeric

  • It lowers the risk of heart attack
  • It reduces the levels of sugar in the blood
  • It helps with the depression
  • It reduces the pain from Arthritis
  • It has anti-allergies properties
  • It prevents cancer
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties

Turmeric against inflammation

When there is some kind of inflammation in the body the process of healing can be long and hard. There are two forms of inflammation chronic and acute.

Acute inflammation happens after an injury and can escalate drastically and chronic inflammation that lasts for months or years and it is persistent.

Chronic inflammation can lead to serious illnesses like obesity, heart disease, asthma, even cancer.

The difference between supplements and whole turmeric

The biggest difference is the concentration of curcumin in it. If you take 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder you will intake 15 mg. of curcumin while a supplement will provide you with 500 mg. of curcumin.

But the best way to consume it is fresh and raw. Its flavor is really intense and that is the reason why for some people it is easier to use supplements. The supplements have also some essential oil but it is not recommended to take supplements if you are:

  • pregnant because you are at risk of miscarriage.
  • struggling or trying to conceive.
  • if you have iron deficiency.
  • if you take medications for diabetes because it can lead to hypoglycemia.
  • if you have stomach problems because it triggers gastritis, diarrhea, and nausea.
  • taking medications for clotting like aspirin because it can lead to more bruising and bleeding.
  • if you have a surgery scheduled in less than two months.
  • if you suffer from gallbladder or gallstones disease.

Proper use and dosing of turmeric

A study made in the USA has shown that these are the best doses for turmeric:

  • Standardized powder supplement (400-600 mg. three times per day)
  • Tincture (1:2, four times per day 15-30 drops)
  • Fluid extract (1:1, 30-90 drops per day)
  • Powdered, dry root (1-3 grams per day)
  • Cut root (1.5-3 grams per day)

Source: holisticlivingtips.com

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