HTC isn’t doing so well in the smartphone business. The big players like Apple and Samsung are dominating the market. Despite the U11 bringing profits up, who knows how long the company can keep that up. It’s frankly sad to see this from the beloved company that created the first Android phone.
This has caused the company to allegedly explore other options, including a full sale of the company. This isn’t very likely due to the difficulty of finding a buyer for such a varied business, making spinning off the Vive part of the business a good idea. Virtual reality is a huge market right now so selling off Vive would be easy, and we’re sure HTC could find a buyer for the smartphone division.
Nothing is confirmed at the moment, but it’s a very real possibility that parts of the entirety of HTC may be sold off in the future. Hopefully the company can keep afloat and maybe even rise up by making more quality products like the U11.
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