~ Auto Buzz ~: Amazing yoga poses for more flexible hips and back pain!

Friday, 18 August 2017

Amazing yoga poses for more flexible hips and back pain!

The flexibility and mobility of the body are very important but a lot of people have problems with them due to their sedentary life.

Tight hips can lead to many other health issues like:

  • Muscle imbalance

As a result of long period of sitting the hip flexors shorten and tighten. The back of the hips, the glutes, and the hip extensors become overstretched and weakened and we feel pain.

  • Back pains and aches

The pelvis is affected due to overstretched glues and hip extensors and tight hip flexors.

  • Poor balance and improper body posture

The main stabilizer of the pelvis are the hip flexors. Weak hip flexors lead to poor balance and improper body posture.

8 yoga exercises that will improve your hips flexibility

  • Tread the needle pose

Lie down on the floor with your knees bent, and the feet flat on the ground. Put your right leg over your left one (crossed). Put the right hand between your legs and try reaching for your chest with your left knee. Keep the lower back and hips on the ground.

You can also clasp your hands under you left knee. Keep your right knee open and pay attention to your breathing. Then switch sides.

  • Happy baby pose

Lie down on the floor and reach with your knees for your chest. Open your knees wider than your shoulders. Hold the feet arches with your hands. Press your back on the ground and the feet into your hands. Make resistance while pulling down on your feet. Breathe deeply.

  • Frog pose

This exercise is very intense and it shouldn’t be done if you have knee or ankle injury. Place yourself on all fours with the knees on the ground and the elbows under your shoulders. You should try widening the knees gently and gradually and you should feel and inner stretch. Keep this position for 30 seconds.

  • Butterfly pose

Sit with your spine straight on the ground and your knees bent. Your soles should touch and put your hands on both sides. Your knees should be opened out to your side closer to the ground.

If you want to intensify the stretch pull your feet closer to the body. Keep this position for 30 seconds.

  • Half pigeon pose

Sit on the ground with your right foot forward, your hands on the ground on each side of your foot. Try sliding your front foot towards your left hand with your knee as low as you can.

Your right calf on the ground, parallel to the mat. Gradually lower your back knee. Your feet squared to the front of the mat as much as you can. Keep this position for 30 seconds.

  • Low lunge

With your right foot forward keep the runner’s lunge position. Your hands on the ground on each side. Lower your back knee and raise your arms. Rest your hands on your front thigh. Include the abdominal muscles and your back straight. Lean forward with your back straight and make the stretch more intense. Keep this position for 30 seconds and switch the sides.

  • Double pigeon pose

You need to place yourself in sitting position with your legs crossed. Left leg under the right one. Hold your left ankle and pull it over your right knee. Hold this position for 30 seconds and switch sides.

  • Crescent lunge

As you are about to run stay on the ground, your left knee should be lifted up. Put your hands on your front thigh then bring them off the ground. Sink your hips as low as you can. Raise your arms now over your head. Keep this position for 30 seconds and switch sides.

Source: dailyhealthkeeper.com


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