~ Auto Buzz ~: The 8 Metabolism Killers Keeping You Overweight

Monday 31 July 2017

The 8 Metabolism Killers Keeping You Overweight

  • High-carb breakfast

We are told that people who eat in the morning have less weight but it is also very important what we eat in the morning. Foods like fruit, bagel, and cereals contain too many carbs. So, you shouldn’t flood your body with carbs after you have fasted it all night.

When we eat high-carb meals the insulin levels rise instantly and then drop very quickly leaving us even more hungry.

  • Low-protein lunch

The proteins are essential for the repair of the tissues. The more muscles we have, the more calories we burn. Low protein intake can lead to muscle deterioration and also to:

  • Muscle loss, fatigue, weakness
  • Poor hair and skin health
  • Brain fog
  • Cravings


  • Skipping meals


The most common metabolism killer is skipping meals. When we are on a diet, our body goes into a survival mode. It reduces the pulse, and the function of the thyroid gland, and lowers the temperature. This leads to eventual weight gain.

The extreme calorie deficit leads to:

  • Reduced energy
  • Increased levels of stress hormones
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Reduced function of the thyroid gland


  • High-stress exercise


When we are under stress the levels of our hormones increase. The main culprit is the cortisol or the stress-hormone. It has a negative effect on the metabolism and reduces its function.

  • Low-carb diets

The carbs don’t make you gain weight but their type and the time we consume them. Glucose is the main fuel for the body. A low-carb diet is good for people who are resistant to insulin. But low carbohydrate shakes and bars, ice cream sandwiches, etc. are full of other unhealthy ingredients which lead to reduced work of the metabolism.

  • Low anti-inflammatory fat and high inflammatory fat

Not all fats are making you gain weight. Certain fats boost the process of weight loss and we shouldn’t avoid them. They balance the hormones in our bodies, keep us satiated, and help us burn more calories. Eat fats like avocado, olive oil, and coconut oil.

  • Improper meal balance

We must learn how to balance our meals. The perfect balance is 33% proteins, 33% carbs, and 33 % fats. The last 1% is up to you. This is a very important concept. Try following this concept at least 80% of your time and the results will be visible.

  • Eating inflammatory foods

Even before you start to lose weight you are killing your metabolism with thoughts like diets, weight loss supplements, I need to give up cookies, sweets etc. Simply try avoiding inflammatory foods like soy, gluten, sugar, unsaturated vegetable oils, and HFCS.

Source: upgradedhealth.net


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