~ Auto Buzz ~: How many hours of sleep do we need per night?

Saturday, 29 April 2017

How many hours of sleep do we need per night?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the sleep is very important for proper functioning of the body. The body must rest in order to have mental clarity, good health, and enough energy. But how many hours of sleep do we need?

Insufficient sleep is a problem

Lack of sleep causes loss of appetite, physical tiredness, it also, reduces the ability to concentrate and to think clearly.

Sleeping less than 5 hours per night causes heart problems and less than 7 hours obesity, diabetes and weight gain. So you must be careful with your hours of sleep.

The recommended sleeping hours

There were a lot of studies made between 2004 and 2014 which tried to discover how many hours per night is enough sleep.

According to different ages here are the recommended hours of sleep:

  • Seniors (65 years and above): 7-8 hours
  • Adults (26-64): 7-9 hours
  • Youth (18-25): 7-9 h.
  • Teenagers (14-17): 8-10 h.
  • School age (6-13): 9-11h.
  • Preschool (3-5): 10-13h.
  • Toddlers (1-2): 11-14 h.
  • Babies (4-11 months): 12-15h.
  • Newborn (0-3 months): 14-17h.

These hours are not always correct, every human being decides for himself how many hours of sleep he requires and this also changes with his health condition.

Reasons for sleep problems

Two main reasons for inappropriate sleep are technology and stress.

Stress: When we are under stress our bodies release the hormone cortisol. When the level of cortisol is increased we can’t sleep well.

Technology: The melatonin is the hormone which allows us to sleep well during the night. The light from the technology prevents the releasing of this hormone. We should be in dark in order for our body to produce melatonin.

Source: thehealthy-food.com

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