~ Auto Buzz ~: Doctors say ibuprofen cannot be taken in people over 40 – this is why

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Doctors say ibuprofen cannot be taken in people over 40 – this is why

Doctors say any person over 40 must stop taking these meds.

This is a painkiller that doctors prescribe often but there are risks from taking this and there is even more damage.

This can temporarily make the head hurt less, but also damages the heart.

The FDA, back in 2005 said ibuprofen can increase risk of heart issues. Even short term use makes more stress on the heart.


What FDA said:

The risk is bigger as you take ibuprofen for pain. You can have  a healthy heart and still be at risk. This makes this drug danger for people over 40 when the heart starts to skyrocket.

This drug makes more risk of heart attack by 20%

This is a health warning from use of no steroidal and anti-inflammation drugs NSAIDS after a study with 10 million people, claimed British Medical Journal.

The NSAIDS are drugs that are antipyretic and analgesic.

The heart attack might happen and the headache relief is not worth it.

There  are many natural items for removal of pain so avoid the NSAIDS. More health is gained with skipping these painkillers.

source: organicandhealthy.org

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