~ Auto Buzz ~: Spy Shots: New Lexus LS Prototype Spotted in Europe!

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Spy Shots: New Lexus LS Prototype Spotted in Europe!

Lexus LS Prototype Feature

A new prototype of the next-generation Lexus LS prototype has been spotted in Europe with considerably less camouflage than previously seen — let’s dive right into these new images from Germany’s Auto Motor und Sport:

Lexus LS Prototype Front

From the front, it’s the width of the vehicle that’s most impressive — the slightly-visible spindle grille is massive, pushing the headlights toward the edge of the flared front fenders.

Lexus LS Prototype Side

The curve of the front fenders is even more obvious in this photo, as is the dramatic angle of the back window and the enormous wheelbase. Everything about this prototype is huge.

Lexus LS Prototype Rear

A major effort has gone into masking the rear taillights, but there’s no hiding the relatively short deck of the trunk. Again, the front fenders show a dramatic downward slope and stand out as the most visible design element.

There are more photos from Auto Motor und Sport for you to look at — be sure to take a look and share what you think in the forums!

(Special thanks to White Beach for the find!)

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