~ Auto Buzz ~: Four Links—Totally tagged Rambler, hot rod art of Stefan Marjoram, vintage filling stations, reviving a rusty Ranchero, and direct-injection flatheads

Saturday 12 November 2016

Four Links—Totally tagged Rambler, hot rod art of Stefan Marjoram, vintage filling stations, reviving a rusty Ranchero, and direct-injection flatheads


From Curbside Classic comes the interesting tail of an old-car owner who put his or her neighborhood vandals street artists to work preserving a ’61 Rambler American. Apparently the unidentified owner has gone through several avant garde paint jobs on the pedestrian little compact and this is just the latest one. Even if it’s not your cup of tea, you’ve got to admit that it’s a pretty good rust deterrent.


The photography and artwork of British artist Stefan Marjoram has been featured here before. We typically associate him with European machinery but over at The Jalopy Journal, they’re profiling some of his hot rod work.


From The Old Motor comes a nostalgic look back at the architecture and trappings of vintage filling stations, aka service stations, gas stations, etc. Old car lovers, petrol heads and anybody who loves old time slice-of-life photography should appreciate the images of days gone by they’ve dug up.


From The Falcon Early Birds, a web forum dedicated to the ’60-’63 Ford Falcon, comes an ambitious project reviving a rusty 1963 Ranchero. The owner states his goal is to drive the little truck car to the Falcon Club of America Nationals in Sacramento, California, July 12-15, 2017. We wish him luck and look forward to watching his progress.

While it’s not directly on point for the classic car owner, the technology to merge the efficiency and power of modern direct fuel injection with the rugged simplicity of a flathead engine is marching forward over in Europe. The designs currently being developed by the Belgian firm D-Motor as aircraft engines due to the safety benefits of the flathead design but it’s not hard to imagine the research ultimately being applied to old car engines.

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