~ Auto Buzz ~: Ask MO Anything: How Do I Get Back in Riding Shape?

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Ask MO Anything: How Do I Get Back in Riding Shape?

Due to some medical problems, I have not been riding for about 9 months.

I am better now, but am sadly out-of-shape, and am skeptical about my physical condition with regards to jumping on my large Honda VTX 1800. Could you please recommend some cycle-riding specific exercises I can do to get quickly back into shape?

Please keep my name and location anonymous.

Sadly Misshapen
Somewhere Nice, SC

Glad you’re better, SM. The good news is that it’s not that hard to get back into shape if you’ve only been out of it for nine months. The bad news is not necessarily “quickly.”

We see no reason to reinvent the wheel here; militaries the world over have been transforming sedentary mounds of flesh into hard men for centuries using a few basic exercises that require no equipment or the wearing of Spandex. Push-ups, sit-ups (or crunches now), a few jumping jacks and a little running around are all that’s required. The hard part is getting yourself to do those things without having anyone to yell at you for motivation. For most of us, the key is finding an activity that’s also enjoyable.

One of them is bicycling, which is way easier on most bodies than running. A lot of serious motorcyclists are also bicyclists. Tons of pro racers pedal bicycles for training, including Josh Hayes and Ben Spies (who actually sponsors a pro bicycle racing team). Something about being on two wheels seems to transfer whether you’re powered by internal combustion or your own two legs, and lots of motorcyclists say riding their bicycle helps their motorcycling. A big part of it is obviously the increased leg and core strength you’re going to get after you pedal for a few weeks, but biking also helps with your balance and other intangibles.

You don’t need a $5k racing bike and Spandex shorts to get started either; a $100 Walmart beach cruiser with a wide, cushy seat and upright ergos is all you need to get off your duff and start pedaling around a little at a time. Plenty of communities have developed great trail networks that reduce your chances of being asspacked by an errant automobile. Looks like your area is one of them, lucky you.

After a few days, you’ll be lean and clean as Josh Hayes.

After a few days, you’ll be lean and clean as Josh Hayes.

Some of us are morning people, some aren’t. What works for some is rolling out of bed every two or three days and knocking out some pushups and sit-ups, followed by a few jumping jacks (jump a rope if you really want to get your heart thumping), followed by however far you feel like pedalling. And if that’s too much like work, just start pedalling. If you can stick with it, you’ll find it getting easier every time and yourself feeling better.

Also, since it’s modern America, be sure and check with your doctor before you begin this exercise regimen.

Direct your motorcycle-related questions to AskMoAnything@motorcycle.com, though some say we’re better at non-motorcycle-related ones…

Ask MO Anything: How Do I Get Back in Riding Shape? appeared first on Motorcycle.com.

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